NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Rate Limits
  • Setup
  • API Endpoints
  • API Registration Triggers
  • API Event Triggers
  • Global API Functions
  • Registration API Functions
  • Marketing API Functions
  • Networking API Functions
  • Surveys API Functions
  • Abstracts API Functions
  • Data Services
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Aventri API documentation. The API functions here will allow you to unlock the full potential of our event management platform. Our API documentation is organized into categories based on our Aventri platform modules. For instance, functions regarding registration or marketing are placed into the "Registration API Functions" and "Marketing API Functions" categories respectively. It's important to note that there is also a Global API Functions category which contains API functions that either relate to all modules (such as authorization) or are not related to any one specific module at all.

    Rate Limits

    API Usage Limits

    To maintain optimum performance and ensure that our API is available to all our customers, we impose a concurrent API request limit.

    If a client exceeds the request limit, access to the API may be temporarily suspended until the excessive requests are reduced.

    Concurrent API Request Limit

    The Concurrent API Request Limit is applied uniformly across all customers, but calculated on an individual requester basis, and is designed to prevent large burst or spikes in usage that could impact performance of the platform. The following calculation describes the limit for concurrent inbound requests (calls):

    Maximum requests per minute = 400 (approx. 6 calls/sec)

    Important Information About Request and Response Size

    Stova APIs use an API Gateway service that enforces a 10 MB limit for requests and responses. When the response payload exceeds 10 MB, an error such as 500, 502, or 504 is returned. If you receive one of those errors when attempting to run a request, please reduce the pageSize (Data Services) or limit (APIv2) parameter value before running the request again.


    Getting an API Key

    API keys are used to authorize access to our API and associate API calls with your Aventri account. Additionally, an Aventri account can have multiple API keys and each key can have different configuration settings and access to different events within that account – this is useful when you want to distribute API access to different technology partners.

    When requesting a key from support, please ensure to specify whether you want a master key (all access key) or a non-master key (which has the ability to have a controlled level of access.) Please note, you can only have one master key per account.

    Once your API key is created, you can begin using the API. Your account's API keys are viewable in the Settings > Account Settings > Integrations section in the Aventri platform. If you're an account Administrator, you will be able to make the following API key configurations:

    1. Refresh an API key.
    2. Label an API key.
    3. Define which events an API key has access to (non-master only.)
    4. Define which IP addresses will be able to access the API using the API key.
    5. Choose an authorization expiration period for the API key.

    Non-Master keys automatically default to having no event association. Therefore, if necessary, please ensure to associate Non-Master keys to event(s) before usage.

    API Key Listing in Aventri

    API Key Editor in Aventri


    Before making any API requests you must use our Authorize function to retrieve an access token. All API functions besides authorize will require an access token, please see Authorize for more details.

    API Endpoints

    All of the complete API endpoints follow the same structure, but the hostname of the endpoint will vary based on which server region your Aventri account is hosted in. Please see the below table to identify which API endpoint hostname you should be using:

    API Endpoint Hosts:

    Region Recommended API Endpoint Host
    Asia Pacific (APAC)
    North America (NA)
    Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)

    API Registration Triggers

    If you would like to receive automatic notifications of registrations, registration modifications and registration cancellations, RSVP registration and RSVP declined for a specific event, you can setup API registration triggers to achieve this. Please follow these instructions:

    1. Within an event, navigate to the Advanced Settings > Integrations page and then scroll down to the "API Registration Trigger" section.

    2. You can create or update a trigger by filling out and submitting the form in this section:

    1. If you do not have a trigger setup for a specific scenario a new one will be created. If you already have one setup it will be updated.

    2. Once a trigger is created, whenever the respective scenario is encountered on either the front-end (by a registrant / admin) or the back-end (by an admin) an HTTP message will be posted to the configured URL containing the following parameters:

    Please note that the format of an API registration trigger message depends on whether or not you selected "Sign Payload (Using JWT)"

    If you did not enable "Sign Payload (Using JWT)", then a HTTP post will be made to the configured URL with the following name value pairs:

    Example of decoded JWT payload for API registration trigger message:

          "data": {
            "eventid": 554431,
            "attendeeid": 39485948,
            "scenario": "Registration / Modification"
          "iat": 1556039234,
          "iss": "Aventri Inc"

    If you enabled "Sign Payload (Using JWT)", then the API registration trigger message will be a Javascript Web Token (JWT) posted in a form field named "AWT". For more information on Javascript Web Tokens (JWTs) please visit The payload portion of the JWT will be as outlined in the right hand column of this page.

    1. Once a HTTP message is received you can use the supplied information to obtain more information through other API functions, such as Get Attendee.

    Changes to the following types of attendee information are classified as registration modifications:

    Some important information regarding API Registration Triggers:

    API Registration Triggers do not clone into new events when using our event cloning functionality. This is an intentional design decision so that event specific trigger endpoints aren't used with non-relevant events.

    API Event Triggers

    If you would like to receive automatic notifications of new events created, event modifications and event deletions, you can setup API event triggers to achieve this. Please follow these instructions:

    1. Within Account Settings, navigate to the Integrations page > API page and then scroll down to the "API Event Trigger" section.

    2. You can create or update a trigger by filling out and submitting the form in this section:

    1. If you do not have a trigger setup for a specific scenario a new one will be created. If you already have one setup it will be updated.

    2. Once a trigger is created, whenever the respective scenario is encountered an HTTP message will be posted to the configured URL containing the following parameters:

    Please note that the format of an API event trigger message depends on whether or not you selected "Sign Payload (Using JWT)"

    If you did not enable "Sign Payload (Using JWT)", then a HTTP post will be made to the configured URL with the following name value pairs:

    Example of decoded JWT payload for API event trigger message:

            "data": {
              "eventid": 554431,
              "scenario": "Event Created/Modified"
            "iat": 1556039234,
            "iss": "Aventri Inc"

    If you enabled "Sign Payload (Using JWT)", then the API event trigger message will be a Javascript Web Token (JWT) posted in a form field named "AWT". For more information on Javascript Web Tokens (JWTs) please visit The payload portion of the JWT will be as outlined in the right hand column of this page.

    1. Once a HTTP message is received you can use the supplied information to obtain more information through other API functions, such as Get Event.

    Changes to the following areas of an event are classified as event modifications:

    Some important information regarding API Event Triggers:

    API Event Triggers will fire for all events / scenarios regardless of whether or not an event creation / modification was made directly in our platform's UI or through our API.

    Global API Functions

    Add Contact

    A successful call to the JSON Add Contact function will return the following:

        "contact": {
          "contactid": "1",
          "result": "Contact is added"

    Use this function to add a contact in your account.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/addContact.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/addContact.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    databaseid Optional Integer See Description The numeric contact database id to add the contact to. If this value is not provided or the account does not support multiple contact databases then the contact will be added to the account's default contact database.
    email Required String No Default email/other_id (one/both required depends on account setup)
    other_id Required String No Default email/other_id (one/both required depends on account setup)
    dupeCheck_id Optional String False Boolean, if set to true will search for a matching record based on account setup and provide an error message if found rather than inserting the data.
    prefix Optional String No Default Contact Prefix
    fname Optional String No Default Contact First Name
    mname Optional String No Default Contact Middle Name
    lname Optional String No Default Contact Last Name
    suffix Optional String No Default Contact Suffix
    title Optional String No Default Contact Title
    company Optional String No Default Contact Company
    address1 Optional String No Default Contact Address1
    address2 Optional String No Default Contact Address2
    address3 Optional String No Default Contact Address3
    city Optional String No Default Contact City
    state Optional String No Default Contact State
    nonusstate Optional String No Default Contact State/County/Province
    zip Optional String No Default Contact Zip
    country Optional String No Default Contact Country
    wphone Optional String No Default Contact Work Phone
    ext Optional String No Default Contact Extension
    mphone Optional String No Default Contact Mobile Phone
    ccemail Optional String No Default Contact CC Email
    skype_twitter_im Optional String No Default Contact Skype/IM/Twitter ID
    [account1-account50] Optional String No Default Contact Custom Field 1-20


    A successful call to the JSON Authorize function will return the following:

        "accesstoken": "juqGzTXYWBrqLAWMYGukNzuvOD5TXTGxxMo0lSft69q2MTgfodwQXRvlsx1YHExTM7Dd4mu5bucbrr3I2isCisrQieie"

    Use the authorize function to authorize your API session. Authorization is required to make any other API calls.

    An important note for the authorize request:


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/authorize.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/authorize.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accountid Required Integer No Default The Aventri account id for which you want to make API calls.
    key Required String No Default The API account key.

    Clone Event

    A successful call to the JSON Clone Event function will return the following:

        "eventid": "##",
        "description": "New event successfully created (New event ID: ##)"

    The clone event function allows you to take an existing event within the Aventri system and create a copy of it.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/cloneEvent.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/cloneEvent.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to copy the data from.
    name Required String No Defalut The name to create the new event with.
    modules Optional String No Defalut Modules to be cloned when cloning the event. Only active modules in the original event are cloned. Comma separated, case insensitive. Possible modules are eHome, eMobile, eSocial, eSelect, eScheduler, eBooth, eSeating, eBudget, eRFP, eProject, eWiki. Or specify all to clone all active modules.
    folderid Optional Integer No Default The ID of folder to clone the event into.

    Create Speaker

    A successful call to the JSON Create Speaker function will return the following:

        "results": {
          "Response": "Speaker created",
          "speakerid": "76188",
          "level": "account"

    Use this function to create an account level speaker.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/createSpeaker.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/createSpeaker.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    prefix Optional String No Default The speaker's name prefix.
    fname Optional String No Default The speaker's first name.
    lname Optional String No Default The speaker's last name.
    suffix Optional String No Default The speaker's name suffix.
    email Optional String No Default The speaker's e-mail address.
    company Optional String No Default The speaker's company.
    bio Optional String No Default The speaker's biography. HTML is premitted.
    image Optional String No Default Image file name for speaker's image as it exists in the account level image database. Images stored in folders should include the folder path. Example: folder/speakerimage.jpg
    notes Optional String No Default Notes on the speaker, for internal use.
    [custom1-custom10] Optional String No Default Use custom1 - custom10 to set custom speaker field values for speaker.

    Delete Contact

    A successful call to the JSON Delete Contact function will return the following:

        "contact": {
          "contactid": "1",
          "result": "Contact is deleted."

    Use this function to delete a contact in your account.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/deleteContact.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/deleteContact.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    contactid Required Integer No Default The contact ID.

    Get Contact

    A successful call to the JSON Get Contact function will return the following:

        "contactid": "1",
        "accountid": "1",
        "email": "",
        "other_id": "Test 1",
        "fname": "Test"

    Use this function to get detailed set of information of any contact you currently have in your account.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/getContact.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/getContact.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    contactid Required Integer No Default The contact ID.

    Get Contact Question

    A successful call to the JSON Get Contact Question function will return the following:

        "questionid": "1",
        "fieldname": "country",
        "name": "Country",
        "page": "Attendee Information",
        "inputtype": "Dropdown box",
        "choices": {
          "item": [
              "choicekey": "1",
              "name": "United States"
              "choicekey": "2",
              "name": "Afghanistan"
              "choicekey": "3",
              "name": "Albania"

    This function will return detailed information for a given contact question.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/getContactQuestion.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/getContactQuestion.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    questionid Required Integer No Default The question ID to retrieve data from.

    Get Speaker

    A successful call to the JSON Get Speaker function will return the following:

        "speakerid": "1010",
        "fname": "Blake",
        "lname": "Bexter",
        "title": "VP, Product Development",
        "company": "Bexter Software, Inc",
        "image": "[image id]",
        "bio": "Blake, an MTI graduate, has 20 years of experience in development, managerial and support roles at all levels in his family business..",
        "sessions": {
          "item": [
              "sessionid": "1",
              "sessionkey": "1",
              "session": "Mobile, Interactive Session",
              "date": "2014-06-28",
              "starttime": "15:00:00",
              "endtime": "16:00:00"
              "sessionid": "2",
              "sessionkey": "2",
              "session": "PCI DSS Compliance Challenges",
              "date": "2014-06-29",
              "starttime": "14:00:00",
              "endtime": "17:00:00"

    This function will return detailed information for a given account level speaker.

    The image field returns an image ID. If you would like to retrieve the actual file, use the following format based on your Aventri server region: [Server Host Name (example:]/image.php?acc=(ACCOUNTID)&id=(IMAGEID) where (ACCOUNTID) is your Aventri account ID and (IMAGEID) is the image ID returned from the API call.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/getSpeaker.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/getSpeaker.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    speakerid Required Integer No Default The speaker ID to retrieve data from.

    List Available Functions

    A successful call to the JSON List Available Functions function will return the following:

        "ereg": {
          "get": {
            "item": [
          "post": { "item": "createEvent" },
          "put": { "item": "updateEvent" }

    Returns a list of available functions within the Aventri API. Details include which module the function belongs to and what HTTP method is required to call it.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listAvailableFunctions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listAvailableFunctions.xml

    List Contact Questions

    A successful call to the JSON List Contact Questions function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "questionid": "1",
            "fieldname": "email",
            "name": "Email Address",
            "pageid": "1",
            "page": "Welcome"
            "questionid": "2",
            "fieldname": "other_id",
            "name": "Other Identifier",
            "pageid": "1",
            "page": "Welcome"

    This function will return a basic list of the available contact questions. Custom questions will also be included.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listContactQuestions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listContactQuestions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Contacts

    A successful call to the JSON List Contacts function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "contactid": "1",
            "email": "",
            "other_id": "Test 1"
            "contactid": "2",
            "email": "",
            "other_id": "Test 2"
            "contactid": "3",
            "email": "",
            "other_id": "Test 3"

    Use this function to get a list of any contacts you currently have in your account. The information from this function is very basic. To get a more detailed set of information you can use this function in conjunction with the getContact function.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listContacts.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listContacts.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    databaseid Optional Integer See Description The numeric contact database ID to list the contacts from. If this value is not provided or the account does not support multiple contact databases then the contacts will be retrieved from the account's default contact database.
    email Optional String No Default You can search by email.
    other_id Optional String No Default You can search by other_id
    fields Optional String No Default Array containing the names of fields to return, invalid fields are ignored. Valid values are (case sensitive): 'account1', 'account2', 'account3', 'account4', 'account5', 'account6', 'account7', 'account8', 'account9', 'account10', 'account11', 'account12', 'account13', 'account14', 'account15', 'account16', 'account17', 'account18', 'account19', 'account20', 'accountid', 'address1', 'address2', 'address3', 'ccemail', 'city', 'company', 'country', 'created', 'createdby', 'deleted', 'ext', 'fax', 'fname', 'lastmodified', 'lname', 'mname', 'modifiedby', 'mphone', 'nonusstate', 'prefix', 'skype_twitter_im', 'state', 'suffix', 'title', 'wphone', 'zip'
    Guidance for the Fields Array: &fields[0]=company&fields[1]=account1
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Events

    A successful call to the JSON List Events function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "eventid": "1",
            "name": "Children's Health and Education event"
            "eventid": "2",
            "name": "Travel Focus in Safety Event"

    At the very core of Aventri is the ability to create events. Use this function to get a list of any events you currently have in your account. The information from this function is very basic. To get a more detailed set of information you can use this function in conjunction with the getEvent function.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listEvents.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listEvents.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    fields Optional String eventid, name Comma separated list of fields to return. Use * for all available fields. Use ? to return all available fields (and no events). Invalid field names are ignored.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    search Optional String No Default Search on any of the above fields (which do not have to be returned by the field parameter). Comma separated list consisting of fieldname, then operator (=, !=, >, <, >=, <=), then data. Example: lastmodified>=2013-08-07 16:08:19,createdby!=fred,eventid=99999

    List Folders

    A successful call to the JSON List Folders function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "folderid": "1",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Folder 1"
            "folderid": "2",
            "parentid": "1",
            "name": "Sub folder 1"
            "folderid": "3",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Folder 2"

    The Aventri system allows you to create folders to sort a number of different objects, this function will list out the available folders within your account.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listFolders.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listFolders.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Languages

    A successful call to the JSON List Languages function will return the following:

        "eng": "English",
        "ara": "Arabic",
        "bah": "Bahasa Melayu",
        "cat": "Catalan",
        "chs": "Chinese (Simplified)",
        "cht": "Chinese (Traditional)",
        "cze": "Czech",
        "dan": "Danish",
        "dut": "Dutch",
        "fin": "Finnish",
        "fre": "French",
        "fca": "French Canadian",
        "ger": "German",
        "gre": "Greek",
        "heb": "Hebrew",
        "hun": "Hungarian",
        "ita": "Italian",
        "jap": "Japanese",
        "kor": "Korean",
        "nor": "Norwegian",
        "pol": "Polish",
        "por": "Portuguese",
        "rom": "Romanian",
        "rus": "Russian",
        "slo": "Slovak",
        "spa": "Spanish",
        "swe": "Swedish",
        "tha": "Thai",
        "tur": "Turkish",
        "ukr": "Ukrainian",
        "vnm": "Vietnamese"

    This function will return all languages supported by Aventri. Use the abbreviation for other API calls.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listLanguages.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listLanguages.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    native Optional Integer No Default A non-zero value for native will return the language name in the local language rather than in English.

    List Sessions

    A successful call to the JSON List Sessions function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "session_id": "1",
            "session_name": "Business Presentation",
            "session_status": "Active",
            "session_reference_code": "001",
            "session_credits": "0"
            "session_id": "1059396",
            "session_name": "Academic Presentation",
            "session_status": "Active",
            "session_reference_code": "002",
            "session_credits": "1"

    Use this function to return the contents of an Account's Session Database (account_session).


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listSessions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listSessions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    List Session Types

    A successful call to the JSON List Session Types function will return the following:

            "session_type_id": "8790",
            "session_type_name": {
                "eng": "Webinar"
            "session_subtype_id": null,
            "session_subtype_name": null
            "session_type_id": "8791",
            "session_type_name": {
                "eng": "Breakout"
            "session_subtype_id": null,
            "session_subtype_name": null
            "session_type_id": "8789",
            "session_type_name": {
                "eng": "Training"
            "session_subtype_id": "13094",
            "session_subtype_name": {
                "eng": "Beginner"

    Use this function to get a list of session types in the account. The information returned includes type and subtype ID and name.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listSessionTypes.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listSessionTypes.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    List Tax Regimes

    A successful call to the JSON List Tax Regimes function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "taxid": "5",
            "name": "UK - Standard VAT",
            "code": "2",
            "salestaxpercent": "20.000"
            "taxid": "6",
            "name": "Tax free",
            "code": "0",
            "salestaxpercent": "0.000"

    This function will return a list of the tax regimes types in the system.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listTaxRegimes.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listTaxRegimes.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    List Tracks

    A successful call to the JSON List Tracks function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "track_id": "1",
            "track_name": "Innovation"
            "track_id": "2",
            "track_name": "Evolution"

    Use this function to get a list of any tracks in the account. The information from this function is very basic.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listTracks.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listTracks.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    List Transaction Types

    A successful call to the JSON List Transaction Types function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "typeid": "1",
            "name": "Transaction Amount"
            "typeid": "2",
            "name": "Sales Tax"
            "typeid": "3",
            "name": "Other Charges"

    This function will return a list of the transaction types in the system.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listTransactionTypes.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listTransactionTypes.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    Reset Session

    A successful call to the JSON Reset Session function will return the following:

        "accesstoken": "F92ynJARzx0Xpjl6wEJkv78gzf/QIVzi7DpSKUK0diC6LBIBWYahB02/yGXZsTcxAqZP4xz+w05MLYJsom1mew=="

    Each time you call the authorize function it will return your current access token, if it is available.

    If at any point you would like to renew your token without waiting for it to expire, you can call this function and generate a new access token.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/resetSession.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/resetSession.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    Search Events

    A successful call to the JSON Search Events function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "eventid": "1",
            "name": "Event name 1"
            "eventid": "2",
            "name": "Event name 2"
            "eventid": "3",
            "name": "Event name 3"

    This function is a slightly more powerful version of the getList events function. Rather than returning all events you can filter the response by entering values for given fields. Similar to the the getList events function, the information returned is very basic.

    Partial searches work as well, the best example of this is for searching using event name. If you wanted to find any events which contained a certain phrase you could enter something like "Aventri api event", or if you wanted to find every one with a certain word you could enter "Aventri".

    Although each of the search criteria parameters are optional, at least one must be entered to return any results.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/searchEvents.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/searchEvents.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Optional Integer No Default If entered, must be a numeric value.
    folderid Optional Integer No Default If entered, must be a numeric value.
    name Optional String No Default Search for an event based on it's name.
    code Optional Integer No Default Search for an event based on it's code.
    startdate Optional String No Default Search for an event based on it's start date, dates need to be in ISO format. Example: 2012-12-31
    enddate Optional String No Default Search for an event based on it's end date, dates need to be in ISO format. Example: 2012-12-31
    exactmatch Optional String No Default Defines whether or not to search for exact matches or part matches.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Currencies

    A successful call to the JSON List Currencies function will return the following:

        "AOA": "Angolan kwanza",
        "ARS": "Argentine peso",
        "AMD": "Armenian Dram",
        "AUD": "Australian Dollar",
        "BHD": "Bahrain Dinar",
        "BRL": "Brazilian Real",
        "Sterling": "British Pound",
        "XPF": "CFP Franc",
        "CAD": "Canadian Dollar",
        "CLP": "Chilean peso",
        "RMB": "Chinese Renminbi",
        "CNY": "Chinese Renminbi",
        "HRK": "Croatian Kuna",
        "CZK": "Czech Republic Koruny",
        "DKK": "Danish Kroner",
        "EGP": "Egyptian Pound",
        "Euro": "Euro",
        "FJD": "Fijian Dollar",
        "HKD": "Hong Kong Dollar",
        "HUF": "Hungarian Forint",
        "ISK": "Icelandic króna",
        "INR": "Indian Rupee",
        "IDR": "Indonesian Rupiah",
        "ILS": "Israeli New Sheqel",
        "JMD": "Jamaican Dollar",
        "YEN": "Japanese Yen",
        "KWD": "Kuwaiti Dinar",
        "MYR": "Malaysian Ringgit",
        "MUR": "Mauritian Ruppie",
        "MXN": "Mexican Peso",
        "MAD": "Moroccan dirham",
        "NZD": "New Zealand Dollar",
        "NOK": "Norwegian Kroner",
        "PKR": "Pakistani Rupee",
        "PEH": "Peruvian Sol",
        "PHP": "Philippine Peso",
        "PLN": "Polish Zlotych",
        "RUB": "Russian Rubles",
        "WST": "Samoan Tala",
        "SAR": "Saudi Riyals",
        "SGD": "Singapore Dollar",
        "ZAR": "South African Rand",
        "KRW": "South Korean Won",
        "Krona": "Swedish Krona",
        "CHF": "Swiss Franc",
        "TWD": "Taiwan Dollar",
        "THB": "Thai Baht",
        "TTD": "Trinidad & Tobago Dollar",
        "AED": "UAE Dirhams",
        "USD": "US Dollar ($)",
        "USF": "US Dollar (USD)",
        "UAH": "Ukrainian hryvnia",
        "UYU": "Uruguayan peso"

    Use this function to return a list of all supported currencies and the corresponding ISO 4217 a 3 character code.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listCurrencies.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listCurrencies.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    Update Contact

    A successful call to the JSON Update Contact function will return the following:

        "contact": {
          "contactid": "1",
          "result": "Contact is updated"

    Use this function to update a contact in your account.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/updateContact.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/updateContact.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    contactid Required Integer No Default The contact ID.
    email Optional String No Default The contact email.
    other_id Optional String No Default The contact other_id.
    prefix Optional String No Default Contact Prefix
    fname Optional String No Default Contact First Name
    mname Optional String No Default Contact Middle Name
    lname Optional String No Default Contact Last Name
    suffix Optional String No Default Contact Suffix
    title Optional String No Default Contact Title
    company Optional String No Default Contact Company
    address1 Optional String No Default Contact Address1
    address2 Optional String No Default Contact Address2
    address3 Optional String No Default Contact Address3
    city Optional String No Default Contact City
    state Optional String No Default Contact State
    nonusstate Optional String No Default Contact State/County/Province
    zip Optional String No Default Contact Zip
    country Optional String No Default Contact Country
    wphone Optional String No Default Contact Work Phone
    ext Optional String No Default Contact Extension
    mphone Optional String No Default Contact Mobile Phone
    ccemail Optional String No Default Contact CC Email
    skype_twitter_im Optional String No Default Contact Skype/IM/Twitter ID
    account1-account50 Optional String No Default Contact Custom Field 1-50

    Update Speaker

    A successful call to the JSON Update Speaker function will return the following:

        "results": {
          "Response": "Speaker updated",
          "speakerid": "76185",
          "level": "account"

    Use this function to update account level speakers.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/updateSpeaker.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/updateSpeaker.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    speakerid Required Integer No Default The speaker id of the account level speaker to be updated.
    language Optional String eng Specifying a language code will update all of the speaker fields for that language. Language codes are available in the global listLanguages function.
    prefix Optional String No Default The speaker's name prefix.
    fname Optional String No Default The speaker's first name.
    lname Optional String No Default The speaker's last name.
    suffix Optional String No Default The speaker's name suffix.
    email Optional String No Default The speaker's email adddress.
    company Optional String No Default The speaker's company.
    bio Optional String No Default The speaker's biography. HTML is permitted.
    image Optional String No Default Image file name for speaker's image as it exists in the account level image database. Images stored in folders should include the folder path. Example: folder/speakerimage.jpg
    notes Optional String No Default Notes on the speaker, for internal use.
    [custom1-custom10] Optional String No Default Use custom1 - custom10 to set custom speaker field values for speaker.

    List Speakers

    A successful call to the JSON List Speakers function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "speakerid": "1",
            "name": "Test Name 1"
            "speakerid": "2",
            "name": "Test Name 2"
            "speakerid": "3",
            "name": "Test Name 3"

    This function will return all of the speakers associated with a specific Aventri account.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listSpeakers.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/global/listSpeakers.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    Registration API Functions

    Add Pre-Load

    A successful call to the JSON Add Pre-Load function will return the following:

        "record": { "recordid": "1" }

    Use this function to add registrant information to an event specific Aventri preload database. Once added, any registrations in the relevant event will have registrant data preloaded if the registrant's e-mail address matches a preload record.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/addPreLoad.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/addPreLoad.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    preloadfrom Required String No Default Pre-Load
    preloadfrom2 Depends of event setup String No Default Pre-Load2
    dupeCheck_id Optional Boolean False If set to true will search for a matching record based on account setup and provide an error message if found rather than inserting the data.
    email Optional String No Default Contact Email
    other_id Optional String No Default Other_ID
    prefix Optional String No Default Contact Prefix
    fname Optional String No Default Contact First Name
    mname Optional String No Default Contact Middle Name
    lname Optional String No Default Contact Last Name
    suffix Optional String No Default Contact Suffix
    title Optional String No Default Contact Title
    company Optional String No Default Contact Company
    address1 Optional String No Default Contact Address1
    address2 Optional String No Default Contact Address2
    address3 Optional String No Default Contact Address3
    city Optional String No Default Contact City
    state Optional String No Default Contact State
    nonusstate Optional String No Default Contact State/County/Province
    zip Optional String No Default Contact Zip
    country Optional String No Default Contact Country
    wphone Optional String No Default Contact Work Phone
    ext Optional String No Default Contact Extension
    mphone Optional String No Default Contact Mobile Phone
    ccemail Optional String No Default Contact CC Email
    skype_twitter_im Optional String No Default Contact Skype/IM/Twitter ID
    [account1-account50] Optional String No Default Use account1 - account50 to set custom account field values for pre-load record.

    Add Pre-Approved

    A successful call to the JSON Add Pre-Approved function will return the following:

        "record": { "recordid": "1" }

    This function is to add contact info into the Aventri PreApproved database, based on a specific event, and with optional choice of Category for registration.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/addPreApproved.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/addPreApproved.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    preload Required String No Default Preload parameter, It's usually the email address of the Pre-Approved, OR it could be a string or ID that will recognize as the name of the Pre-Approved.
    category Optional Integer -1 Category ID, must be a numeric value (-1 for ALL).

    Check-In Attendee

    A successful call to the JSON Check-In Attendee function will return the following:

        "description": "Attendee sucessfully checked in (Attendee ID: ##)"

    This function allows you to check-in an attendee.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/checkInAttendee.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/checkInAttendee.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID to check-in.
    checkinDate Optional String No Default Defines a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
    checkinTime Optional String No Default Defines a date-time in the format HH:MM:SS
    checkinTimeZone Optional Integer No Default Defines a time zone by the ID. See time zone list for more information.

    Create Attendee

    A successful call to the JSON Create Attendee function will return the following:

        "attendeeid": "178"

    This function allows you to create a complete registration. You must specify data to be populated in the registration. Data can be passed as any fieldname value returned by the GET listQuestions API call.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createAttendee.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createAttendee.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    email Required String No Default Registrant Email.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    categoryid Optional Integer No Defalut Any category you wish to assign to an attendee. Must be categoryid from GET listCategories.
    subcategoryid Optional Integer No Default Any subcategory you wish to assign to an attendee. Must be subcategoryid from GET listCategories.
    [field name] Optional String No Default A name value pair for any field (attendee info question) available in a respective event. You may supply as many individual name value pairs as you'd like. See the Creating Attendee Responses section for more detail.
    maxgroup Optional Integer No Default The registrant specific group maximum which will be enforced during registration modification process.

    Create Additional Attendee

    A successful call to the JSON Create Additional Attendee function will return the following:

        "attendeeid": "1784544"

    This function allows you to create a complete registration and add the registration to a group. You must specify a parentid (primary attendee ID) to group registration under. Data can be passed as any fieldname value returned by the GET listQuestions API call.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createAdditionalAttendee.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createAdditionalAttendee.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    email Required String No Default Registrant Email.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    parentid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID of the primary attendee in the group under which you would like to add this attendee.
    categoryid Optional Integer No Defalut Any category you wish to assign to an attendee. Must be categoryid from GET listCategories.
    subcategoryid Optional Integer No Default Any subcategory you wish to assign to an attendee. Must be subcategoryid from GET listCategories.
    [field name] Optional String No Default A name value pair for any field (attendee info question) available in a respective event. You may supply as many individual name value pairs as you'd like. See the Creating Attendee Responses section for more detail.
    maxgroup Optional Integer No Default The registrant specific group maximum which will be enforced during registration modification process.

    Create Attendee Bridge

    A successful call to the JSON Create Attendee Bridge function will return the following:

        "bridgeid": "da8ec4f5a55dc7cae76a829b88beca20"

    This function allows you to prepopulate a registration for a specific user and provide them with a URL that will bring them to a registration page with the appropriate information filled in.

    You must specify data to be prepopulated, or an error will be returned. Data can be passed as "thirdparty" or as any fieldname value returned by the GET listQuestions API call.

    If the call is successful, a unique alphanumeric bridgeid is returned that can then be passed to /ereg/newreg.php as a GET parameter (example: /ereg/newreg.php?eventid=XXXXX&bridgeid=YYYYY). The data passed into this function will be used to prepopulate the registration. The returned bridgeid will be valid for 24 hours unless you specify the expires field.

    In eReg / Advanced settings / General settings, you can require attendees to have a valid bridgeid or they won't be able to register.


    You can limit or specify the primary and / or sub categories available to the attendee with the categories parameter.

    Any time there are two or more specified primary or sub categories, the registering attendee will be prompted to pick from the specified list of categories. This is true for both primary and sub categories. If only one primary or sub category is listed, then the attendee is automatically assigned that category or sub category. You can specify any combination of primary categories and sub categories. If no primary categories are specified, then the attendee is free to choose any available category. The same is true for sub categories once the primary category is specified or chosen by the attendee. For example, if any sub categories that were specified belong to the primary category selected, then they will be shown to the registering attendee, or if only one sub category is specified for the chosen primary category, then it will be automatically assigned.

    This gives you complete control of the categories and sub categories available to be chosen by registrants.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createAttendeeBridge.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createAttendeeBridge.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the dat into.
    userid Optional Integer No Default Assign an user ID to create an admin registration, must be a numeric value.
    categories Optional String No Default Any category/subcategory you wish to assign to an attendee, must be comma delimited category IDs from GET List Categories.
    thirdparty Optional String No Default Any third party ID's you wish to assign to an attendee, must be comma delimited. Example: thirdparty1=12345,thirdparty2=54321
    expires Optional String 24 hours You can set when the link will expire. This is useful for sending out emails with a registration link. Should be specified in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. Maximum time allowed is 90 days. Invalid values will be set to the default.
    [field name] Optional String No Default A name value pair for any field (attendee info question) available in a respective event. You may supply as many individual name value pairs as you'd like. See the Creating Attendee Responses section for more detail.
    maxgroup Optional Integer No Default The registrant specific group maximum which will be enforced during registration process.
    discountcode Optional String No Default An optional discount code to apply to the registrant's registration fees.

    Create Event

    A successful call to the JSON Create Event function will return the following:

        "eventid": "##",
        "description": "New event successfully created (New event ID: ##)"

    The createEvent function allows you to add a new event to your Aventri account.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createEvent.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createEvent.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    name Required String No Default The name to create the new event with.
    folder Optional Integer No Default The ID of folder to create the event in. Must be a numeric value.
    modules Optional String eReg Array containing the names of modules to turn on for the event. Valid values are (case sensitive): 'eRFP', 'eBudget', 'eProject', 'eScheduler', 'eWiki', 'eHome', 'eMobile', 'eSelect', 'eReg', 'eBooth', 'eConnect', 'eSocial', 'eSeating'.
    city Optional String No Default The event location city.
    state Optional String No Default The event location state.
    country Optional String No Default The event location country.
    locationname Optional String No Default The event location venue / hotel / location name.
    address 1 Optional String No Default The event location address1.
    address 2 Optional String No Default The event location address2.
    address 3 Optional String No Default The event location address3.
    postcode Optional String No Default The event location postcode.
    phone Optional String No Default The event location phone number.
    email Optional String No Default The event location email.
    map Optional String No Default A URL/Link to the the event location map.

    Create Hotel

    A successful call to the JSON Create Hotel function will return the following:

        "hotelid": "1"

    This function allows you to create a hotel for an event.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createHotel.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createHotel.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    hotelname Required String No Default The hotel name.
    address1 Optional String No Default First address for the hotel.
    address2 Optional String No Default Second address for the hotel.
    city Optional String No Default The city where the hotel is.
    state Optional String No Default The state where the hotel is.
    zip Optional String No Default The zip code of the state where the hotel is.
    country Optional String No Default The country where the hotel is.
    phone Optional String No Default The phone of the hotel.
    fax Optional String No Default The fax of the hotel.
    website Optional String No Default The website of the hotel.
    contactname Optional String No Default The contact name of the hotel.
    contactphone Optional String No Default The contact phone of the hotel.
    contactfax Optional String No Default The contact fax of the hotel.
    contactemail Optional String No Default The contact email of the hotel.
    roomrateinfo Optional String No Default Hotel room rate info.
    details Optional String No Default The details for the hotel.
    category Optional String No Default The category of the hotel.
    airport Optional String No Default Information about the hotel.
    cancellationpolicy Optional String No Default Information about the cancellation policy of the hotel.
    additionalinfo Optional String No Default Additional information about the hotel.
    hotelmoreinfolink Optional String No Default Hotel more info link for the hotel.
    thirdpartyid Optional Integer No Default Third party ID.

    Create Location

    A successful call to the JSON Create Location function will return the following:

        "results": {
            "status": "success",
            "locationId": "930482"

    This function allows you to create session locations for a specific event.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createLocation.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createLocation.xml

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    locationName Required String No Default The location name.
    maxOccupancy Optional Integer No Default The maximum occupancy of the location.
    notes Optional String No Default Location Notes (for internal use.)
    lang Optional String Event Default Language Language code for the desired event enabled language to be used when creating location. Language codes are available from the List Languages Function.

    Create Room Block

    A successful call to the JSON Create Room Block function will return the following:

        "success": "Room block is added"

    This function allows you to create a room block for a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createRoomblock.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createRoomblock.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID to put the data into.
    date Required String No Default The date for the rooom block.
    rate Optional Decimal No Default Rate for a room type.
    block Optional Integer No Default Block size for a room type.

    Create Room Type

    A successful call to the JSON Create Room Type function will return the following:

        "success": "Roomtype is added"

    This function allows you to create a room type for a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PODT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createRoomtype.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createRoomtype.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID to put the data into.
    roomtype Required String No Default The name of the room type.

    Create Session

    A successful call to the JSON Create Session function will return the following:

        "results": { "sessionid": "5309587" }

    The Create Session function allows you to add a new session to your Stova event.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createSession.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createSession.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Requried Integer No Default The event ID the session will belong to.
    inputformat Required String No Defualt The input format of the session. "noinput" = no input, all attendees registered for the event are registered for this session. "checkbox" = attendees are given an option to register for this session.
    date Optional String No Default The session date.
    starttime Optional String No Default The session start time in 24 hour format.
    endtime Optional String No Default The session end time in 24 hour format.
    heading Optional String No Default Include a heading above the session details.
    name Optional String No Default The session name.
    locationid Optional Integer No Default The location id for the location the session will be held. Use the list locations function to get location ids.
    reference Optional Integer No Default A reference number for the session.
    speakerids Optional Integer No Default A comma delimited list of speaker ids. These speakers will be associated with the session.
    session_type_id Optional Integer No Default The ID for the session type to assign to the session. Use the List Session Types function to get a list of available session type IDs.
    session_subtype_id Optional Integer No Default The ID for the session subtype* to assign to the session. *In order to assign a subtype to a session, the parent session type must either already be assigned to the session or be included in the same update call to assign before the session subtype. Use the List Session Types function to get a list of available session subtype IDs.
    session_track_id Optional Integer No Default A comma delimited list of track IDs to assign to the session. Use the List Tracks function to get a list of available session track IDs.
    badgename Optional String No Default The badge name is the name of the session as it will appear on your registrant's badges.
    description Optional String No Default A description of the session.
    credits Optional Integer No Default The number of credits this session is worth towards certification.
    fontcolor Optional String No Default Font color for PDF files. Example: #ffffff
    notes Optional String No Default Notes for internal use only.
    popup Optional Boolean No Default Open the session details in a popup. 1 = true 0 = false
    popupwidth Optional Integer No Default The width of the session detail popup in pixels.
    popupheight Optional Integer No Default The height of the session detail popup in pixels.
    displayatpayment Optional String No Default Display this session on the payment/confirmation page.
    maxattendees Optional String No Default The maximum allowed attendees for this session.
    soldoutmessage Optional String No Default The message displayed to users if the session is full.
    waitlist Optional Integer No Default Enable a waiting list. 1 = true 0 = false
    showremaining Optional Integer No Default Shows the user how many more times the session can be registered for until it has reached the max attendees. 1 = true 0 = false
    [custom1-custom10] Optional String No Default To set values for custom session fields pass the custom fieldname for the field (custom1 through custom10) and the value you want to add. Note: for drop-down, checkbox and radio button fields you must pass the value name not the choicekey as with other API functions.

    Create Speaker

    A successful call to the JSON Create Speaker function will return the following:

        "results": {
          "Response": "Speaker created",
          "speakerid": "935232",
          "level": "event",
          "eventid": "5837182"

    Use this function to create a new event level speaker, or clone one from the account level.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createSpeaker.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/createSpeaker.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    accountspeakerid Optional Integer No Default The numeric account level speaker ID to clone into an event. If this value is defined all other speaker data fields supplied in this request will be ignored.
    prefix Optional String No Default The speaker's name prefix.
    fname Optional String No Default The speaker's first name.
    lname Optional String No Default The speaker's last name.
    suffix Optional String No Default The speaker's name suffix.
    email Optional String No Default The speaker's email address.
    company Optional String No Default The speaker's company.
    bio Optional String No Default The speaker's biography. HTML is permitted.
    image Optional String No Default Image file name for speaker's image as it exists in the account level image database. Images stored in folders should include the folder path. Example: folder/speakerimage.jpg
    notes Optional String No Default Notes on the speaker, for internal use.
    [custom1-custom10] Optional String No Default Use custom1 - custom10 to set custom speaker field values for speaker.

    Add Speaker Image

    A successful call to the JSON Add Speaker Image function will return the following:

        "success": [
          "Image uploaded successfully for speakerid: 12345"

    Use this function to add a profile image for an event level speaker. Allowed file extensions are .png, .gif, .JPEG/.JPG, and .bmp and the maximum file size is 50MB.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/addSpeakerImage.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/addSpeakerImage.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required String No Default The eventid where the speaker is assigned.
    speakerid Required Integer No Default The numeric speaker ID to add the image to.
    imageuri Required String No Default The URI in Base64 format that you want to add to the speaker profile.

    Set Session Check-In

    A successful call to the JSON Set Session Check-In function will return the following:

        "result": "Checkin updated"

    This function sets or unsets an attendee as attended to a session.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/setSessionCheckin.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/setSessionCheckin.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The ID of the attendee.
    sessionid Required Integer No Default The ID of the session.
    attended Required String No Default If the attendee has attended the session or not must be a 'yes' or 'no'
    sessionkey Required Integer No Default The sessionkey used for attendance. Must be '1' for noinput and checkbox sessions. Must be a valid sessionkey for multiple choice sessions.

    Delete Pre-Load

    A successful call to the JSON Delete Pre-Load function will return the following:

          "Preload record is deleted"

    This function will delete a preloaded record.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deletePreLoad.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deletePreLoad.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    recordid Required Integer No Default The record ID.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.

    Delete Pre-Approved

    A successful call to the JSON Delete Pre-Approved function will return the following:

            "Preaproved data is deleted"

    This function wil delete a preapproved record.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deletePreApproved.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deletePreApproved.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    preload Required String No Default Preload parameter, It's usually the email address of the Pre-Approved, OR it could be a string or ID that recognize as the name of the Pre-Approved.
    category Optional Integer -1 Category ID, must be a numeric value (-1 for ALL)

    Delete Room Block

    A successful call to the JSON Delete Room Block function will return the following:

        "success": "Roomblock is deleted"

    This function allows you to delete a room block for a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deleteRoomblock.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deleteRoomblock.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID to put the data into, must be a numeric value.
    date Required String No Default The date for the room block, must be a date value.

    Delete Room Type

    A successful call to the JSON Delete Room Type function will return the following:

        "success": "Roomtype is deleted"

    This function allows you to delete a room type for a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deleteRoomtype.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/deleteRoomtype.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required String No Defualt The hotel ID to put the data into.
    roomtypeid Required Integer No Default The room type ID to delete.

    Get Attendee

    A successful call to the JSON Get Attendee function will return the following:

        "attendeeid": "1",
        "preload-recordid": "1",
        "registrationstatus": "Confirmed",
        "testregistration": "0",
        "category": {
          "categoryid": "1",
          "name": "Event Speaker"
        "individualcost": "0.00",
        "cost": "0.00",
        "totalcost": "0.00",
        "received": "0.00",
        "recordid": "XXXX",
        "responses": [
            "questionid": "1",
            "fieldname": "email",
            "name": "Email Address",
            "pageid": "1",
            "page": "Welcome",
            "choicekey": "",
            "response": ""
              "questionid": "28341900",
              "fieldname": "28341900",
              "name": "Session A",
              "pageid": "3",
              "page": "Agenda",
              "auto_capitalize": "0",
              "choicekey": "1",
              "response": "Session A",
              "recording_views": "1"
            "questionid": "28341982",
            "fieldname": "28341982",
            "name": "Option A",
            "pageid": "4",
            "page": "Options",
            "auto_capitalize": "0",
            "choicekey": "1",
            "response": "Option A"
        "created": "2014-10-06 14:10:01",
        "tax": "0.00",
        "statetax": "0.00",
        "categorycost": "0.00",
        "subcategorycost": "0.00",
        "agendacost": "0.00",
        "optioncost": "0.00",
        "hotelcost": "0.00",
        "guestcost": "0.00",
        "adjustments": "0.00",
        "lastmodified": "2014-10-06 14:10:31",
        "virtual_event_attendance": "Yes",
        "last_lobby_login": "2020-10-30 06:08:30",
        "balancedue": "0.00"

    Get Attendee should not be used to retrieve large batches of attendee data. Instead, our Data Services API function, attendeelist, should be used. Please visit Data Services for more information.

    This function will return detailed information for an attendee. Attendee info question responses and agenda, option, hotel, and travel selections are all stored in the "responses" key with each response item indicating the page that information was collected in the "page" key. For instance, agenda selections are collected on the "Agenda" page and option selections are collected on the "Options" page.

    Questions of type file (image or file) will only return the file extension, for example jpg. If you would like to retrieve the actual file, use a URL with the following format: https://[Domain for your Region]/ereg/uploadfiles/(ATTENDEEID)_(QUESTIONID).(EXT) where (EXT) is the extension returned via getAttendee, (ATTENDEEID) is the attendeeid and (QUESTIONID) is the questionid of the file or photo question.

    Get Attendee will now return virtual attendance, last lobby login time and recording views count, if the data exists.

    Example File URLs:

    Region Host Domain Complete URL
    North America


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getAttendee.json

    XML: https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getAttendee.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under, must be a numeric value.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID to retrieve data from.
    responseArray Optional Integer No Default If set to 1, returns responses as an Array of Objects.

    Get Category

    A successful call to the JSON Get Category function will return the following:

        "categoryid": "2565642",
        "parentid": "0",
        "reference": "Reference here",
        "description": "a:1:{s:3:\"eng\";s:21:\"Category description \";}",
        "location": "",
        "name": "Category A",
        "startdate": "0000-00-00",
        "enddate": "0000-00-00",
        "starttime": null,
        "endtime": null

    Use the get category function to retrieve information about a specific event registrant category.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getCategory.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getCategory.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the Authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the category belongs to.
    categoryid Required Integer No Default The category ID.

    Get Content Field

    A successful call to the JSON Get Content Field function will return the following:

        "contentfieldid": "9",
        "contentfieldname": "CF Field I",
        "alllanguagetranslations": {
            "eng": "CF Field I",
            "ger": ""
        "contentfieldnotes": "Device",
        "contentfieldsortorder": "1",
        "contenttags": [
                "tagid": "37",
                "tagname": "CF I Tag I",
                "tagnametranslations": {
                    "eng": "CF I Tag I",
                    "ger": ""
                "tagcolor": "#5E70D6",
                "tagsortorder": "0"
                "tagid": "38",
                "tagname": "CF I Tag II",
                "tagnametranslations": {
                    "eng": "CF I Tag II",
                    "ger": ""
                "tagcolor": "#965151",
                "tagsortorder": "1"

    Use the get content field function to retrieve full information for a specific content field.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getContentField.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getContentField.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the Authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the content fields belong to.
    contentfieldid Required Integer No Default The content ID to query.

    Get Event

    A successful call to the JSON Get Event function will return the following:

        "eventid": "1",
        "accountid": "1",
        "name": "Environmental Studies Meeting",
        "code": "1000",
        "city": "Litchfield Park",
        "startdate": "2013-06-28",
        "enddate": "2013-06-30",
        "timezoneid": "8",
        "dateformat": "j F, Y",
        "timeformat": "H:i",
        "currency_dec_point": ".",
        "currency_thousands_sep": ",",
        "status": "Live",
        "languages": {
          "eng": "English",
          "por": "Portuguese",
          "rus": "Russian",
          "spa": "Spanish"
        "defaultlanguage": "eng",
        "createdby": "2",
        "deleted": "0",
        "eMobile": "1",
        "eReg": "1",
        "eSocial": "1",
        "calendar_country": "United States",
        "country": "United States",
        "modifiedby": "testuser",
        "locationname": "Hilton Resort",
        "state": "Arizona",
        "eSelect": "2",
        "ipreoid": "0",
        "url": "[eventid]",
        "max_reg": "5000",
        "location": {
          "name": "Hilton Resort",
          "address1": "300 East Hilton Blvd.",
          "city": "Litchfield Park",
          "state": "Arizona",
          "postcode": "85340",
          "country": "United States",
          "phone": "623.555.1212"
        "starttime": "12:00:00",
        "endtime": "14:00:00",
        "closedate": "0000-00-00",
        "closetime": "18:00:00",
        "homepage": "[eventid]",
        "contactinfo": {
          "eng": "<div>Test Contact</div> <div><a href=&#34;;></a> </div>"
        "standardcurrency": "USD",
        "line_item_tax": "1",
        "foldername": "Desktop",
        "eventclosemessage": "Sorry, registration is closed",
        "timezone": "[GMT-07:00] Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
        "createddatetime": "2014-03-19 11:30:26",
        "modifieddatetime": "2014-10-15 11:29:20",
        "eventtype": "Conference"

    This function will return detailed information for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getEvent.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getEvent.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    customfields Optional Boolean False Set to true if you want the event custom fields to appear in the response.
    stats Optional Boolean False Set to true if you want the statistic fields to appear in the response.

    Get Hotel

    A successful call to the JSON Get Hotel function will return the following:

        "hotelid": "1",
        "hotelname": "Hilton Resort",
        "phone": "623.555.1212",
        "website": "",
        "roomrateinfo": "Standard $195 / night Suite $295 / night",
        "hotelmoreinfolink": "<p><strong></strong><br /></p><p><strong>Phone</strong> <br /><strong>Fax</strong> <br /><strong>Website</strong> <br /></p><br /><br />",
        "roomtypes": {
          "item": [
            "Standard $195 / night",
            "Suite $295 / night"
        "roomblocks": {
          "item": {
            "date": "2014-06-27",
            "room": {
              "item": [
                  "rate": "195.00",
                  "block": "10"
                  "rate": "295.00",
                  "block": "10"

    This function will return detailed information for a hotel.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getHotel.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getHotel.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.

    Get Invoice

    A successful call to the JSON Get Invoice function will return the following:

        "item": {
          "invoiceid": "101",
          "attendeeid": "2",
          "eventid": "1",
          "type": "invoice",
          "autoincrement": "0",
          "date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
          "invoicetotal": "0.00",
          "invoicereceived": "0.00",
          "locked": "0"

    This function will return a specific invoice for a given invoiceid, or all invoices associated with an attendee if given an attendeeid.

    You must specify either an eventid or an attendeeid. (Line item taxation only !)


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getInvoice.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getInvoice.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    invoiceid Required* Integer No Default If Attendee ID is not provided, invoice ID is required.
    attendeeid Required* Integer No Default If invoice ID is not provided, attendee ID is required.

    Get Option

    A successful call to the JSON Get Option function will return the following:

        "optionid": "1001",
        "optionkey": "1",
        "name": "QR Code scanners",
        "description": {

    This function will return detailed information for a given option.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getOption.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getOption.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    optionid Required Integer No Default The option ID to retrieve data from.
    optionkey Required Integer No Default The option key to retrieve data from.

    Get Pre-Load

    A successful call to the JSON Get Pre-Load function will return the following:

        "recordid": "1",
        "preloadfrom": "",
        "other_id": "Test 1",
        "fname": "Test"

    Use this function to get detailed set of information of any preload data you currently have in your event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getPreLoad.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getPreLoad.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    recordid Required Integer No Default The pre-load record ID.
    customfields Optional Integer No Default 0 or 1. If set to 1, custom fields will be displayed

    Get Question

    A successful call to the JSON Get Question function will return the following:

        "parentid": "0",
        "length_option": "0",
        "minlength": "0",
        "maxlength": "0",
        "shortnames": {
        "questionfooters": {
        "hide_option_names": "0",
        "defaultselectionchoice": "0",
        "required": "1",
        "visible2": "0",
        "required2": "0",
        "condition2": "0",
        "popupdescription": "1",
        "preloaddata": "0",
        "auto_capitalize": "0",
        "requirepreapproved": "0",
        "responsetimes": "0",
        "attendeelist": "0",
        "attendeelistsearch": "1",
        "summary": "0",
        "sort": "0",
        "include_on_calendar": "0",
        "auto_reorder": "0",
        "clonedfrom": "0",
        "new": "1",
        "modifying": "1",
        "primary": "1",
        "additional": "1",
        "visible3": "0",
        "required3": "0",
        "visiblefee": "1",
        "countrycodes": "0",
        "optionresponsewholenumber": "0",
        "questionid": "5309194",
        "eventid": "93162",
        "page": "Welcome",
        "fieldname": "email",
        "inputtype": "Single line of text",
        "textposition": "Left",
        "indentpixels": "175",
        "fieldwidth": "350",
        "fieldheight": "3",
        "validation": "1",
        "questions": {
          "eng": "Email Address",
          "fre": "Email Address",
          "ger": "Email Address",
          "jap": "Email Address"
        "reportname": "Email Address",
        "sessiondate": "0000-00-00",
        "starttime": "00:00:00",
        "endtime": "00:00:00",
        "publicagenda": "1",
        "public": "1",
        "admin": "1",
        "visible": "1",
        "pageid": "1"

    This function will return detailed information for a given question.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getQuestion.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getQuestion.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    questionid Required Integer No Default The question ID to retrieve data from.

    Get Report

    A successful call to the JSON Get Report function will return the following:

        "reportname": "List",
        "item": [
            "fullname": "Jack Fields",
            "organization": "Projects Beta"
            "fullname": "Mark Hammers",
            "jobtitle": "Sales Engineer",
            "organization": "Wonders of the World"
            "fullname": "Meredith Blaker",
            "organization": "Inventions"

    This function will return detailed information for a given report.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getReport.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getReport.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    reportid Required Integer No Default The report ID to retrieve data from.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    Get Room Types

    A successful call to the JSON Get Room Types function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Standard $100 / night"
            "id": "2",
            "name": "Suite $200 / night"

    This function will return detailed information for room types in a hotel.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getRoomtypes.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getRoomtypes.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID.

    Get Session

    A successful call to the JSON Get Session function will return the following:

        "questionid": "1001",
        "sessiondate": "2014-06-28",
        "starttime": "11:00:00",
        "endtime": "11:45:00",
        "publicagenda": "1",
        "choicekey": "1",
        "reportname": "Arrival and Registration",
        "descriptions": { "eng": "We're looking forward to seeing you." },
        "max": "150",
        "sessionid": "1001",
        "sessionheading": {
        "sessionkey": "1",
        "remaining_amount": 134,
        "date": "2014-06-28",
        "additional_details": {
          "item": {
            "eng": "Arrival and Registration",
            "desceng": "We're looking forward to seeing you."

    This function will return detailed information for a given session.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getSession.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getSession.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    sessionid Required Integer No Default The session ID to retrieve data from.
    sessionkey Required Integer No Default The session key to retrieve data from.
    shownhidden Optional Integer 0 Flag indicating if the session info needs to be returned regardless of the visibility status. Can be 0 (hidden session will not be returned) or 1.

    Get Session Check-In

    A successful call to the JSON Get Session Check-In function will return the following:

        "result": {
          "data": {
            "item": {
              "attendeeid": "2012312",
              "sessionid": "5309990",
              "sessionkey": "1"

    This function gets a session checkin using attendeeid and/or sessionid


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getSessionCheckin.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getSessionCheckin.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Optional Integer No Defualt The ID of the attendee.
    sessionid Optional Integer No Default The ID of the session.

    Get Speaker

    A successful call to the JSON Get Speaker function will return the following:

        "speakerid": "1010",
        "fname": "Blake",
        "lname": "Bexter",
        "title": "VP, Product Development",
        "company": "Bexter Software, Inc",
        "image": "[image id]",
        "bio": "Blake, an MTI graduate, has 20 years of experience in development, managerial and support roles at all levels in his family business..",
        "sessions": {
          "item": [
              "sessionid": "1",
              "sessionkey": "1",
              "session": "Mobile, Interactive Session",
              "date": "2014-06-28",
              "starttime": "15:00:00",
              "endtime": "16:00:00"
              "sessionid": "2",
              "sessionkey": "2",
              "session": "PCI DSS Compliance Challenges",
              "date": "2014-06-29",
              "starttime": "14:00:00",
              "endtime": "17:00:00"

    This function will return detailed information for a given speaker.

    The image field returns an image ID. If you would like to retrieve the actual file, use the following format based on your Aventri server region: [Server Host Name (example:]/image.php?acc=(ACCOUNTID)&id=(IMAGEID) where (ACCOUNTID) is your Aventri account ID and (IMAGEID) is the image ID returned from the API call.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getSpeaker.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getSpeaker.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    speakerid Required Integer No Default The speaker ID to retrieve data from.

    Get Transaction

    A successful call to the JSON Get Transaction function will return the following:

        "item": {
          "eventid": "7695",
          "attendeeid": "671647",
          "secondaryattendeeid": "671647",
          "date": "2014-02-06",
          "time": "08:47:14",
          "type": "2",
          "state_tax": "0",
          "amount": "33.20",
          "result": "0",
          "createdby": "attendee",
          "open": "0",
          "invoiceid": "0",
          "transactionid": "177901",
          "tax_label": "Sales Tax"

    This function will return a specific transaction for a given event. You must specify one of the following, transactionid, attendeeid, or invoiceid.

    You can use listTransactionTypes to get a list of possible values for type.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getTransaction.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getTransaction.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    transactionid Required* Integer No Default If attendee ID or invoice ID is not provided, transaction ID is required.
    attendeeid Required* Integer No Default If transaction ID or invoice ID is not provided, attendee ID is required.
    invoiceid Required* Integer No Default If attendee ID or transaction ID is not provided, invoice ID is required.

    Get Virtual Session Check-in

    A successful call to the JSON Get Virtual Session Check-in function will return the following:

        "result": {
            "data": [
                    "attendeeid": "18709167",
                    "sessionid": "12962169",
                    "sessionkey": "1"

    This function gets a virtual session check-in using attendeeid and/or sessionid.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getVirtualSessionCheckin.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/getVirtualSessionCheckin.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Optional Integer No Defualt The ID of the attendee.
    sessionid Optional Integer No Default The ID of the session.

    List Attendees

    A successful call to the JSON List Attendees function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "attendeeid": "1001",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "[Attendee 1001 First Name Last Name]",
            "email": ""
            "attendeeid": "1002",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "[Attendee 1002 First Name Last Name]",
            "email": ""

    This function is very similar to the listEvents function and the information is very basic as well. It can be useful in conjunction with the getAttendee function.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listAttendees.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listAttendees.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    modifiedfrom Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they have been modified since this timestamp.
    modifiedto Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they were modified before this timestamp.

    List Categories

    A successful call to the JSON List Categories function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "categoryid": "201",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Event Exhibitor"
            "categoryid": "202",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Event Staff"
            "categoryid": "203",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Event Speaker"
            "categoryid": "204",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Event Delegate"

    In Aventri you can create a number of different categories for attendees to register with. This function allows you to list the available categories for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listCategories.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listCategories.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Content Fields

    A successful call to the JSON List Content Fields function will return the following:

            "contentfieldid": "9",
            "contentfieldname": "CF Field I"
            "contentfieldid": "36",
            "contentfieldname": "CF Field II"

    Use the list content fields function to retrieve a list of content fields for a specific event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listContentFields.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listContentFields.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the Authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the content fields belong to.

    List Hotels

    A successful call to the JSON List Hotels function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "hotelid": "1",
            "hotelname": "Hotel 1",
            "thirdpartyid": "1"
            "hotelid": "2",
            "hotelname": "Hotel 2",
            "thirdpartyid": "2"

    This function will return a list of the available hotels for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listHotels.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listHotels.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event of which you want the hotels for.

    Attendee Hotel Data

    A successful call to the JSON Attendee Hotel Data function will return the following:

        "attendeeid": "8415489",
        "attendee_UUID": "d8733c53-80a2-4eef-8652-5e6ed0c92697",
        "fname": "Dawn",
        "lname": "Lassen",
        "email": "",
        "registrationstatus": "Confirmed",
        "eventid": "355436",
        "accountid": "8948",
        "bookings": {
            "345470": {
                "hotelname": "Ritz Carlton Pune",
                "hotel_UUID": "c0df3f39-6a9e-46fe-9a36-21af0537cfa5",
                "address1": "Golf Course Square, Airport Rd ",
                "address2": "Jayprakash Nagar, Yerawada",
                "city": "Pune",
                "zip": "",
                "country": "India",
                "phone": "+91 20 6767 5000",
                "fax": "",
                "website": "",
                "contactname": "",
                "contactphone": "",
                "contactfax": "",
                "contactemail": "",
                "3450": {
                    "roomtypeid": "1",
                    "roomtype": "King Suite",
                    "status": "Confirmed",
                    "0": {
                        "53851372": {
                            "question_UUID": "a3c56dcf-b82a-49a1-ab31-5bc0c272b3ba",
                            "fieldname": "singleordouble",
                            "reportname": "Single or Double Occupancy",
                            "response": "Single"
                        "58228857": {
                            "question_UUID": "56180d17-2a6b-4a74-bc9d-1455337b0980",
                            "fieldname": "bedpreference",
                            "reportname": "Bed Preference",
                            "response": "King"
                        "58228854": {
                            "question_UUID": "054461b6-6270-4059-9c34-10d532052593",
                            "fieldname": "checkin",
                            "reportname": "Check-in Date",
                            "response": "2024-09-07"
                        "58228855": {
                            "question_UUID": "d2fde53f-60f9-4863-a5a2-b45d59e9d400",
                            "fieldname": "checkout",
                            "reportname": "Check-out Date",
                            "response": "2024-09-12"
                "3451": {
                    "roomtypeid": "1",
                    "roomtype": "Premium Suite",
                    "status": "Confirmed",
                    "0": {                    
                        "53851372": {
                            "question_UUID": "a3c56dcf-b82a-49a1-ab31-5bc0c272b3ba",
                            "fieldname": "singleordouble",
                            "reportname": "Single or Double Occupancy",
                            "response": "Single"
                        "58228857": {
                            "question_UUID": "56180d17-2a6b-4a74-bc9d-1455337b0980",
                            "fieldname": "bedpreference",
                            "reportname": "Bed Preference",
                            "response": "King"
                        "58228854": {
                            "question_UUID": "054461b6-6270-4059-9c34-10d532052593",
                            "fieldname": "checkin",
                            "reportname": "Check-in Date",
                            "response": "2024-09-07"
                        "58228855": {
                            "question_UUID": "d2fde53f-60f9-4863-a5a2-b45d59e9d400",
                            "fieldname": "checkout",
                            "reportname": "Check-out Date",
                            "response": "2024-09-12"

    This function will return a list of the hotels and rooms for a given attendee when using the multi-hotel feature in an event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/attendeeHotelData.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/attendeeHotelData.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event of which the attendee belongs.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendeeid you want to query hotel data for.

    List Invoices

    A successful call to the JSON List Invoices function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "invoiceid": "101",
            "attendeeid": "1001"
            "invoiceid": "102",
            "attendeeid": "1002"

    This function will return a list of the invoices for a given event. (Line item taxation only!)


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listInvoices.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listInvoices.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    attendeeid Optional Integer No Default An attendee ID.
    fromtimestamp Optional String No Default Only return invoices created at or after this time stamp. In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
    totimestamp Optional String No Default Only return invoices created on or before this time stamp. In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
    invoicetype Optional String No Default Either "invoice" or "credit".
    locked Optional Integer No Defualt Return just locked invoices. Value should be 0 or 1.
    fields Optional String invoiceid Return listed fields. Comma separated. Possible fields are invoiceid, attendeeid, eventid, type, autoincrement, number, date, invoicetotal, invoicereceived, locked, deleted, exportedToSage, sageid.

    List Line Items

    A successful call to the JSON List Line Items function will return the following:

        "item": {
          "attendeeid": "101",
          "invoiceid": "1001",
          "categoryid": "201",
          "questionid": "0",
          "choicekey": "0",
          "hotelid": "0",
          "eventid": "1",
          "taxrate": "0.00",
          "net": "1000.00",
          "tax": "0.00",
          "gross": "1000.00",
          "updated": "2014-03-20 05:34:22",
          "created": "2014-03-20 05:34:22",
          "quantity": "1.00"

    This function will return a list of the line items for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listLineItems.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listLineItems.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    attendeeid Optional Integer No Default An attendee ID.
    invoiceid Optional Integer No Default An invoice ID.
    fromtimestamp Optional String No Default Only return invoices created at or after this time stamp. In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
    totimestamp Optional String No Default Only return invoices created on or before this time stamp. In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

    List Locations

    A successful call to the JSON List Locations function will return the following:

            "id": "1561583",
            "locationName": {
                "eng": "Main Entrance"
            "type": "session"
            "id": "1561584",
            "locationName": {
                "eng": "VIP Side Entrance"
            "type": "session"

    This function will retrieve session (agenda) locations and / or networking meeting locations for a specific event. Each location will have all of the location name translations contained in a key named after the respective language code for that translation.

    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listLocations.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listLocations.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve locations from.

    List Location Sessions

    A successful call to the JSON List Location Sessions function will return the following:

            "sessionId": "32033625"
            "sessionId": "32033701"

    This function will return the sessions / meetings associated with a specific session / meeting location. Location id's are retrieved from the list locations function.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listLocationSessions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listLocationSessions.xml

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    locationid Required Integer No Default The session / meeting location id to retrieve sessions for.

    List Options

    A successful call to the JSON List Options function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "optionid": "1",
            "optionkey": "1",
            "name": "Option 1"
            "optionid": "2",
            "optionkey": "1",
            "name": "Multiple option 1"
            "optionid": "2",
            "optionkey": "2",
            "name": "Multiple option 2"

    This function will return a basic list of the available options for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listOptions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listOptions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Pages

    A successful call to the JSON List Pages function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "pageid": "1",
            "page": "Welcome"
            "pageid": "2",
            "page": "Attendee Information"

    This function will return a list of the pages in a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listPages.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listPages.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event of which you want the pages for.

    List Pre-Loads

    A successful call to the JSON List Pre-Loads function will return the following:

        "preloadfrom": "email",
        "items": {
          "item": [
              "recordid": "1",
              "preloadfrom": ""
              "recordid": "2",
              "preloadfrom": ""
              "recordid": "2",
              "preloadfrom": ""

    Use this function to get a list of any preloads you currently have in your event. The information from this function is very basic. To get a more detailed set of information you can use this function in conjunction with the getPreLoad function.


    JSON: https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listPreLoads.json

    XML: https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listPreLoads.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    customfields Optional TBD No Default Returns additional information about the uploaded fields if set to non-zero.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Pre-Approved

    A successful call to the JSON List Pre-Approved function will return the following:

        "field": "",
        "categoryid": "1"

    This function will return a list of pre-approved attendees for a set event. You can then choose to filter this data by attendee category.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listPreapproved.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listPreapproved.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under.
    categoryid Optional Integer No Default The category to get Pre approved attendees for.

    List Questions

    A successful call to the JSON List Questions function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "questionid": "4955615",
            "fieldname": "4955615",
            "name": "Please enter your email address!",
            "pageid": "1",
            "page": "Welcome"
            "questionid": "4955663",
            "fieldname": "4955663",
            "name": "What date are you arriving?",
            "pageid": "0"

    This function will return a basic list of the available questions for a given event. Custom questions will also be included.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listQuestions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listQuestions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the questions are registered under.
    pageid Optional Integer No Default The page ID that the questions are registered under. Can be obtained from listPages.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Reg Emails

    A successful call to the JSON List Reg Emails function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "type": "0",
            "fromname": "Client's Name",
            "fromemail": "",
            "subject": { "eng": "Confirmation for" },
            "htmlcontent": {
              "eng": "HTML content here"
            "textcontent": {
              "eng": "Text content here"
            "type": "0",
            "fromname": "International Annual Summit Mobile App",
            "fromemail": "",
            "subject": { "eng": "Announcing: Mobile App for International Annual Summit 2013" },
            "htmlcontent": { "eng": "<img alt=&#34;&#34; src=&#34;; border=&#34;0&#34; />" },
            "textcontent": {

    This function will return a list of the emails sent from the system.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listRegEmails.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listRegEmails.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default Supplying an Event ID will return all of the Surveys for that Event.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Reports

    A successful call to the JSON List Reports function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "reportid": "1",
            "name": "Report 1"
            "reportid": "2",
            "name": "Report 2"

    In Aventri you are able to create your own custom reports and these can be pretty powerful. This function allows you to get a list of the current custom reports which are available to your account. The information returned for this function is very basic, but is useful in conjunction with the getReport function.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listReports.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listReports.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the reports are registered under.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Sessions

    A successful call to the JSON List Sessions function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "sessionid": "1",
            "sessionkey": "1",
            "locationid": "434892139",
            "name": "Arrival and Registration"
            "sessionid": "2",
            "sessionkey": "1",
            "locationid": "434892140",
            "name": "Lunch"

    This function will return a basic list of the available sessions for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listSessions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listSessions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the sessions registered under.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    fields Optional String No Default Return listed fields. Comma separated. Possible fields are sessiondate, starttime, endtime, admin, visible, choices, publicagenda, public

    List Speakers

    A successful call to the JSON List Speakers function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "speakerid": "1",
            "name": "Test Name 1"
            "speakerid": "2",
            "name": "Test Name 2"
            "speakerid": "3",
            "name": "Test Name 3"

    This function will return a list of the available speakers for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listSpeakers.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listSpeakers.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the speakers are registered under.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Transactions

    A successful call to the JSON List Transactions function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "transactionid": "6811404",
            "attendeeid": "8080237"
            "transactionid": "6811405",
            "attendeeid": "8080236"

    This function will return a list of the transactions for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listTransactions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/listTransactions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    attendeeid Optional Integer No Default An attendee ID.
    invoiceid Optional Integer No Default An invoice ID.
    fromtimestamp Optional String No Default Only return invoices created at or after this time stamp. In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
    totimestamp Optional String No Default Only return invoices created on or before this time stamp. In YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
    fields Optional String No Default Return listed fields. Comma separated. Possible fields are transactionid, eventid, attendeeid, secondaryattendeeid, date, time, type, state_tax, tax_label, amount, notes, createdby, approvedby, currency, open, exchangeRate, invoiceid, transactionref

    Search Attendees

    A successful call to the JSON Search Attendees function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "attendeeid": "1",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Attendee's Name",
            "email": "",
            "status": "Confirmed"
            "attendeeid": "2",
            "parentid": "0",
            "name": "Second Attendee's Name",
            "email": "",
            "status": "Confirmed"

    This function is a slightly more powerful version of the listAttendees function. Rather than returning all attendees for one event, you can filter the response by any of the system level or custom fields. Like the listAttendees function, the information returned is very basic.

    Partial searches work as well and the best example of this is a search for an email address. If you wanted to find a particular email address you could enter something like "", or if you wanted to find every one with a certain domain you could enter "".

    Although each of the search criteria parameters are optional, at least one must be entered to return any results.

    Guidance for the use of 'custom' parameter for this call:

    You can filter the list of attendees with the value 'xyz' for a particular questionid/fieldname. 12345=john , this is from a question like { "questionid": "12345", "fieldname": "fname", ... }, you also can do fname=john, same effect of filtering, only the attendees with the fname = 'John' will show up in the result.

    Example API calls:

    https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchAttendees.json?accesstoken=(token here)&eventid=111&12345=john


    https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchAttendees.json?accesstoken=(token here)&eventid=111&fname=john


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchAttendees.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchAttendees.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Optional Integer No Default The event ID that the attendees are registered under.
    custom Optional String No Default The Event's Questions that can be populated for this Param, get them from the listQuestions API call. Example: 12345=john , this is from a question like { "questionid": "12345", "fieldname": "fname", ... }, you also can do fname=john, same effect to filter the result.
    exactmatch Optional String No Default Defines whether or not to search for exact matches or part matches.
    eventstartdate Optional String No Default Defines a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It limits the records according to startdate of the event.
    eventenddate Optional String No Default Defines a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It limits the records according to startdate of the event.
    modifiedfrom Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they have been modified since this timestamp.
    modifiedto Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they have been modified since this timestamp.
    createdfrom Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they have been modified since this timestamp.
    createdto Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they have been modified since this timestamp.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    sort Optional String Descending by attendeeid Defines which key should be used and in what direction to sort the results from this function. Available keys are eventstartdate, eventenddate, modifiedfrom, modifiedto, createdfrom, createdto. To specify the direction, append a colon to the sort value along with asc for ascending or desc for descending. Example: https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchAttendees.json?accesstoken=(token here)&eventid=123456&modifiedfrom=2020-10-01 00:30:00&sort=modifiedfrom:desc

    Search Pre-Approved

    A successful call to the JSON Search Pre-Approved function will return the following:

          "field": "",
          "categoryid": "-1"

    Use this function to get detailed set of information of any preapproved data you currently have in your event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchPreApproved.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/searchPreApproved.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    preload Required/Optional Integer No Default The preload record ID.
    categoryid Required/Optional Integer No Default The category ID (-1 for ALL categories).

    Update Agenda Responses

    A successful call to the JSON Update Agenda Responses function will return the following:


    This function will update the given responses on the Agenda page for the given attendee.

    Please Note: Agenda selections made through this function are not limited by session maximums.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateAgendaResponses.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateAgendaResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee whose responses have to be modified.
    admin Optional Integer No Default Set to 1 to skip "required" checking.
    responses[index][questionid] Required Integer No Default The question id to delete or update. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][response] Optional String No Default The value of the question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][delete] Optional Integer 0 Whether or not to delete (1) or not delete (0) a question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.

    Update Attendee Status

    A successful call to the JSON Update Attendee Status function will return the following:

     "attendeeid": "293"

    This function allows you to change the registration status of an attendee that has been checked it. You can only change to and from the following statuses: Confirmed, Attended, Cancelled, & No Show. If the status is set to Attended, then the checkindate field will be updated to the current time. The lastmodified is always updated by this call.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateAttendeeStatus.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateAttendeeStatus.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID of the attendee you want to update.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID of the event the attendee is registered for.
    status Required String No Defualt The new status for the attendee. Must be one of the following statuses: Confirmed, Attended, Cancelled, & No Show

    Updating a registration to cancelled status will not trigger a refund or show a credit is due of registration fees paid. You will have to manually add an offline "Credit Due to Cancellation" and then process the refund all within the registration record.

    Update Attendee Info Responses

    This function will update the given responses on the Attendee Information page for the given attendee.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.

    A successful call to the JSON Update Attendee Info Responses function will return the following:

      "affected": 1


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateAttendeeInfoResponses.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateAttendeeInfoResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee whose responses have to be modified.
    admin Optional Integer No Default Set to 1 to skip "required" checking.
    responses[index][questionid] Required Integer No Default The question id to delete or update. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][response] Optional String No Default The value of the question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][delete] Optional Integer 0 Whether or not to delete (1) or not delete (0) a question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.

    Update Event

    A successful call to the JSON Update Event function will return the following:

        "description": "Event successfully updated on 2014-10-20 12:12:32 (Event ID: 106365)"

    This function allows you to edit some of the most basic information about your event. It also allows you to edit any custom fields you've added to your account.

    Although each of the update parameters are optional, at least one must be entered to update an event.

    Additionally, when targeting an event custom field for updating, specify the numeric custom field id as a parameter name, with the desired value. Custom field ids can be retrieved from the getEvent function.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateEvent.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateEvent.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    name Optional String No Default Update the event's name.
    code Optional String No Default Update the event's code.
    startdate Optional String No Default Update the event's start date, dates need to be in ISO format. Example: 2012-12-31
    enddate Optional String No Default Update the event's end date, dates need to be in ISO format. Example: 2012-12-31
    starttime Optional String No Default The session start time in 24 hour format. Example: 14:32
    endtime Optional String No Default The session end time in 24 hour format. Example: 14:32
    programmanager Optional String No Default Update the event's program manager.
    status Optional String No Default Update event status, allowed values: Archived, Cancelled, Closed, Live, On-site, Pre-Event, Sold Out
    max_reg Optional String No Default Update "Maximum registrations" value.
    city Optional String No Default The event location city.
    state Optional String No Default The event location state.
    country Optional String No Default The event location country.
    locationname Optional String No Default The event location venue / hotel / location name.
    address 1 Optional String No Default The event location address1.
    address 2 Optional String No Default The event location address2.
    address 3 Optional String No Default The event location address3.
    postcode Optional String No Default The event location postcode.
    phone Optional String No Default The event location phone number.
    email Optional String No Default The event location email.
    description Optional String No Default The description for the event. This parameter accepts HTML code for formatting.
    map Optional String No Default A URL/Link to the the event location map.
    [numeric custom field id] Optional String No Default Custom field ids are available from get event function. Supply desired value for the respective field.
    timezoneid Optional Integer No Default See Time Zone List for a list of values for the timezoneid parameter.

    Update Hotel

    A successful call to the JSON Update Hotel function will return the following:

        "hotelid": "1"

    This function allows you to update a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateHotel.json

    XML:PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateHotel.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID to update.
    hotelname Optional String No Default The hotel name.
    address 1 Optional String No Default First address for the hotel.
    address 2 Optional String No Default Second address for the hotel.
    city Optional String No Default The city where the hotel is.
    state Optional String No Default The state where the hotel is.
    zip Optional String No Default The zip code of the state where the hotel is.
    country Optional String No Default The country where the hotel is.
    phone Optional String No Default The phone of the hotel.
    fax Optional String No Default The fax of the hotel.
    website Optional String No Default The website of the hotel.
    contactname Optional String No Default The contact name of the hotel.
    contactphone Optional String No Default The contact phone of the hotel.
    contactfax Optional String No Default The contact fax of the hotel.
    contactemail Optional String No Default The contact email of the hotel.
    roomrateinfo Optional String No Default Hotel room rate info.
    details Optional String No Default The details for the hotel.
    category Optional String No Default The category of the hotel.
    airport Optional String No Default Information about the airport.
    cancellationpolicy Optional String No Default Information about the cancellation policy of the hotel.
    additionalinfo Optional String No Default Additional information about the hotel.
    hotelmoreinfolink Optional String No Default Hotel more info link for the hotel.
    thirdpartyid Optional Integer No Default The third party ID.

    Update Hotel Responses

    A successful call to the JSON Update Hotel Responses function will return the following:


    This function will update the given responses on the Hotel page for the given attendee.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateHotelResponses.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateHotelResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee whose responses have to be modified.
    admin Optional Integer No Default Set to 1 to skip "required" checking.
    responses[index][questionid] Required Integer No Default The question id to delete or update. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][response] Optional String No Default The value of the question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][delete] Optional Integer 0 Whether or not to delete (1) or not delete (0) a question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.

    Update Location

    A successful call to the JSON Update Location function will return the following:

        "results": {
            "status": "success",
            "locationId": "930482"

    This function allows you to update a session location for a specific event.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateLocation.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateLocation.xml

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to put the data into.
    locationid Required Integer No Default The locationid of the location to update.
    locationName Required String No Default The location name.
    maxOccupancy Optional Integer No Default The maximum occupancy of the location.
    notes Optional String No Default Location Notes (for internal use.)
    lang Optional String Event Default Language Language code for the desired event enabled language to be used when updating location. Language codes are available from the List Languages Function.

    Update Options Responses

    A successful call to the JSON Update Options Respones function will return the following:

      "affected": "1"

    This function will update the given responses on the Options page for the given attendee.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateOptionsResponses.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateOptionsResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee whose responses have to be modified.
    admin Optional Integer No Deafault Set to 1 to skip "required" checking.
    responses[index][questionid] Required Integer No Default The question id to delete or update. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][response] Optional String No Default The value of the question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][delete] Optional Integer 0 Whether or not to delete (1) or not delete (0) a question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.

    Update Room Block

    A successful call to the JSON Update Room Block function will return the following:

      "success": "Roomblock is updated"

    This function allows you to update a room block for a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateRoomblock.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateRoomblock.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID to put the data into.
    date Required String No Default The date for the room block.
    newdate Optional String No Default New date for the room block.
    rate Optional Decimal No Default Rate for a room type. For guidance with this parameter see Guidance for updating room blocks
    block Optional Integer No Default Block size for a room type. For guidance with this parameter see Guidance for updating room blocks

    Update Room Type

    A successful call to the JSON Update Room Type function will return the following:

      "success": "Roomtype is updated"

    This function allows you to update a room type for a hotel.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateRoomtype.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateRoomtype.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    hotelid Required Integer No Default The hotel ID to put the data into.
    roomtypeid Required Integer No Default The room type ID to update.
    name Required String No Default The name of the room type.

    Update Session

    A successful call to the JSON Update Session function will return the following:

        "results": {
          "response": "Session updated",
          "sessionid": "20920364"

    This function will allow you to update information about a specific session.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateSession.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateSession.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID the session will belong too.
    sessionid Required Integer No Default The session ID of the session to update.
    inputformat Optional String No Default The input format of the session. "noinput" = no input, all attendees registered for the event are registered for this session. "checkbox" = attendees are given an option to register for this session.
    date Optional String No Default The session date.
    starttime Optional String No Default The session start time in 24 hour format. Example: 14:32
    endtime Optional String No Default The session end time in 24 hour format. Example: 14:32
    heading Optional String No Default Include a heading above the session details.
    name Optional String No Default The session name.
    locationid Optional Integer No Default The location id for the location the session will be held. Use the list locations function to get location ids.
    reference Optional Integer No Default A reference number for the session.
    speakerids Optional String No Default A comma delimited list of speaker ids. These speakers will be associated with the session.
    session_type_id Optional Integer No Default The ID for the session type to assign to the session. Use the List Session Types function to get a list of available session type IDs.
    session_subtype_id Optional Integer No Default The ID for the session subtype* to assign to the session. *In order to assign a subtype to a session, the parent session type must either already be assigned to the session or be included in the same update call to assign before the session subtype. Use the List Session Types function to get a list of available session subtype IDs.
    session_track_id Optional Integer No Default A comma delimited list of track IDs to assign to the session. Use the List Tracks function to get a list of available session track IDs.
    badgename Optional String No Default The badge name is the name of the session as it will appear on your registrant's badges.
    description Optional String No Default A description of the session.
    credits Optional Integer No Default The number of credits this session is worth towards certification.
    fontcolor Optional String No Default Font color for PDF files. Example: #ffffff
    notes Optional String No Default Notes for internal use only.
    popupwidth Optional Integer No Default The width of the session detail popup in pixels.
    popupheight Optional Integer No Default The height of the session detail popup in pixels.
    displayatpayment Optional String No Default Display this session on the payment/confirmation page.
    maxattendees Optional String No Default The maximum allowed attendees for this session.
    soldoutmessage Optional String No Default The message displayed to users if the session is full.
    waitlist Optional Integer No Default Enable a waiting list. 1 = true 0 = false
    showremaining Optional Integer No Default Shows the user how many more times the session can be registered for until it has reached the max attendees. 1 = true 0 = false
    [custom1-custom10] Optional String No Default To set values for custom session fields pass the custom fieldname for the field (custom1 through custom10) and the value you want to add. Note: for drop-down, checkbox and radio button fields you must pass the value name not the choicekey as with other API functions.

    Update Speaker

    A successful call to the JSON List Update Speaker function will return the following:

        "results": {
          "Response": "Speaker updated",
          "speakerid": "76185",
          "level": "account"

    Use this function to update event level speakers.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateSpeaker.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateSpeaker.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the speaker is in.
    speakerid Required Integer No Default The speaker ID of the account level speaker to be updated.
    language Optional String eng Specifying a language code will update all of the speaker fields for that language. Leaving this empty will update the fields in the default language. Language codes are available in the global listLanguages function.
    prefix Optional String No Default The speaker's name prefix.
    fname Optional String No Default The speaker's first name.
    lname Optional String No Default The speaker's last name.
    suffix Optional String No Default The speaker's name suffix.
    email Optional String No Default The speaker's email address.
    company Optional String No Default The speaker's company.
    bio Optional String No Default The speaker's biography. HTML is premitted.
    image Optional String No Default Image file name for speaker's image as it exists in the account level image database. Images stored in folders should include the folder path. Example: folder/speakerimage.jpg
    notes Optional String No Default Notes on the speaker, for internal use.
    [custom1-custom10] Optional String No Default Use custom1 - custom10 to set custom speaker field values for speaker.

    Update Travel Responses

    A successful call to the JSON Update Travel Responses function will return the following:


    This function will update the given responses on the Travel page for the given attendee.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateTravelResponses.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateTravelResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee whose responses need to be modified.
    admin Optional Integer No Default Set to 1 to skip "required" checking.
    responses[index][questionid] Required Integer No Default The question id to delete or update. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][response] Optional String No Default The value of the question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][delete] Optional Integer 0 Whether or not to delete (1) or not delete (0) a question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.

    Update Welcome Responses

    A successful call to the JSON Update Welcome Respones function will return the following:


    This function will update the given responses on the Welcome page for the given attendee.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateWelcomeResponses.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updateWelcomeResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee whose responses have to be modified.
    admin Optional Integer No Default Set to 1 to skip "required" checking.
    responses[index][questionid] Required Integer No Default The question id to delete or update. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][response] Optional String No Default The value of the question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.
    responses[index][delete] Optional Integer 0 Whether or not to delete (1) or not delete (0) a question response. See Updating Attendee Responses for more details.

    Update Pre-Load

    A successful call to the JSON Update Pre-Load function will return the following:

        "preload": { "recordid": "1" }

    Update a specified preload record in the database.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updatePreLoad.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updatePreLoad.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    recordid Required Integer No Default Preload record ID.
    preloadfrom Optional String No Default The value for the first "Match data based upon" parameter setup in pre-load settings for the target event.
    preloadform2 Optional String No Default The value for the second "Match data based upon" parameter setup in pre-load settings for the target event. If two matching parameters are not setup, omit this field.
    dupeCheck_id Optional Boolean False Boolean, defaults to false, if set to true will search for a matching record based on account setup and provide an error message if found rather than inserting the data.
    email Optional String No Default Contact email
    other_id Optional String No Default Other ID.
    prefix Optional String No Default Contact Prefix.
    fname Optional String No Default Contact First Name.
    mname Optional String No Default Contact Middle Name.
    lname Optional String No Default Contact Last Name.
    suffix Optional String No Default Contact Suffix.
    title Optional String No Default Contact Title.
    company Optional String No Default Contact Company.
    address1 Optional String No Default Contact Address1.
    address2 Optional String No Default Contact Address2.
    address3 Optional String No Default Contact Address3.
    city Optional String No Default Contact City.
    state Optional String No Default Contact State.
    nonusstate Optional String No Default Contact State/County/Province
    zip Optional String No Default Contact Zip.
    country Optional String No Default Contact Country.
    wphone Optional String No Default Contact Work Phone.
    ext Optional String No Default Contact Extension.
    mphone Optional String No Default Contact Mobile Phone.
    ccemail Optional String No Default Contact CC Email.
    skype_twitter_im Optional String No Default Contact Skype/IM/Twitter ID
    [account1-account50] Optional String No Default Use account1 - account50 to set custom account field values for pre-load record.

    Update Pre-Approved

    A successful call to the JSON Update Pre-Approved function will return the following:

        "preload": " successfuly updated"

    This function is to update the PreApproved data, based on a specific event, and with optional choice of a Category ID

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updatePreApproved.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/ereg/updatePreApproved.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID.
    preloadfrom Required String No Default Old Preload data, It's usually the Email address of the PreApproved, OR it could be a string or ID that will recognize as the name of the PreApproved.
    preloadto Required String No Default New Preload data, the Email address or Name of the PreApproved that you want change it to.
    category Optional Integer -1 The category ID. (-1 for ALL).

    Input Type Value Formats

    The format of a value supplied to any attendee question depends on its "Input Type". See below table for formatting.

    Input Type Format Notes
    Heading (no input) No Value
    Hidden Field    String
    Single line of text    String
    Multiple lines of text    String
    Checkbox    Integer (1) Specify 1 to "check" box. See Updating Attendee Responses for details on un-selecting checkbox.
    Multiple Checkboxes    See Notes For specifying an initial value (Create Attendee and Create Attendee Bridge functions) this is a comma delimited list of choicekeys (selections) for respective question. For usage in any API function that updates a value, see Updating Attendee Responses for more details of choicekeys. Choicekeys can be retrieved from the Get Question API function.
    Date (full date)    YYYY-MM-DD
    Date (month & year only) YYYY-MM
    Time    HH:MM:SS
    Password    String
    Dropdown box    Integer For specifying an initial value (Create Attendee and Create Attendee Bridge functions) this is the choicekey value of the target selection. For usage in any API function that updates a value, see Updating Attendee Responses for more information. Choicekeys can be retrieved from the Get Question API function.
    Radio Buttons    Integer For specifying an initial value (Create Attendee and Create Attendee Bridge functions) this is the choicekey value of the target option. For usage in any API function that updates a value, see Updating Attendee Responses for more information. Choicekeys can be retrieved from the Get Question API function.

    Creating Attendee Responses

    The Create Attendee and Create Attendee Bridge API functions incorporate the ability to specify a value for any active attendee info questions present in the event that the attendee is being created in / bridged into. To specify a value for an attendee you must:

    1. Get the respective attendee info question's field name, which is present in the fieldname key for the respective question in the List Questions API function's response.
    2. Specify a name value pair for each attendee info question you would like to define. The value supplied for each field will depend on the attendee info question's input type - see Input Type Value Formats for more information.

    Updating Attendee Responses

    Response Item Structure Basics

    To update a question, you must supply a set of separate fields that follow the naming convention of an indexed array. For instance, if you would like to update question 54541 and 54542 with "Value A" and "Value B" respectively you will have to supply the following individual fields in the HTTP PUT call:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 54541
    responses[0][response] Value A
    responses[1][questionid] 54542
    responses[1][response] Value B

    Please note the following:

    Deleting Responses:

    Each question response you would like to delete also requires a set of fields. For instance, if you would like to delete the response to question 898911 you will have to supply the following fields in the HTTP PUT call:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 898911
    responses[0][delete] 1

    The combination of fields and the values supplied to them varies based on the type of question you are responding to.

    Updating / Deleting Different Input Types:

    For a foundational background on input types and their expected formatting, see Input Type Value Formats.

    Certain input types have a value based on whether or not they were selected or checked. Adding onto this, some of these input types offer the ability to select or check more than one value option contained within that input. The following input types fall into this category:

    Single Checkbox:

    To select a single checkbox, follow the response structure described above and provide a value of 1 for the response value. For instance, to check question 98412 supply the following:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 98412
    responses[0][response] 1

    And to uncheck this single checkbox:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 98412
    responses[0][delete] 1

    Radio Buttons / Dropdown Boxes:

    Radio buttons and dropdown boxes work similarly to single checkboxes except that in order to select a specific radio / dropdown option you will need to supply the choicekey (numerical index of the respective radio / dropdown option) in the response. Use the Get Question API call to get choicekey values from the "choices" array in the response. For instance, if you would like want to select the third radio / dropdown option for question 69584 you would supply the following:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 69584
    responses[0][response] 3

    And to clear any selection from the radio / dropdown:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 69584
    responses[0][delete] 1

    Multiple checkboxes:

    The multiple checkbox input works similarly to the single checkbox except multiple options can be checked, therefor each individual option selection must be supplied in the response keys separately. For instance, if you would like select the first, third and fourth checkbox for question 857433 you would supply the following:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 857433
    responses[0][response] 1
    responses[1][questionid] 857433
    responses[1][response] 3
    responses[2][questionid] 857433
    responses[2][response] 4

    In order to delete any option selections, you must specifically target each selected checkbox individually. For instance, if you would like to delete the first and third option selections, supply the following - please note that both the response and deleted keys are required for this operation:

    Parameter Value
    responses[0][questionid] 857433
    responses[0][response] 1
    responses[0][delete] 1
    responses[1][questionid] 857433
    responses[0][response] 3
    responses[1][delete] 1

    Guidance for updating room blocks

    When updating room blocks and their rates you will want to format the key/value pairs by indicating the number for the block and rate keys. The numbers will be according to the position of the room type in the list of room types within a given room block. For example, if you have two room types Standard Room and Deluxe Room and they are listed in the following order within the room block:

    The keys to update the block size and rate for the Standard Room will be rate1 and block1 because that room type is listed first within the room block. If you want to update the rate and block size for the Deluxe Room then your keys will be rate2 & block2, because that room type is listed second within the room block. You can run the getRoomTypes call to obtain the correct number for each room type.

    Time Zone List

    Time zones and their respective time zone id's are listed below.

    Time Zone ID Time Zone
    1 [GMT-12:00] International Date Line West
    2 [GMT-11:00] Midway Island, Samoa
    3 [GMT-10:00] Hawaii
    4 [GMT-09:00] Alaska
    5 [GMT-08:00] Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana
    6 [GMT-07:00] Arizona
    7 [GMT-07:00] Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan
    8 [GMT-07:00] Mountain Time (US & Canada)
    9 [GMT-06:00] Central America
    10 [GMT-06:00] Central Time (US & Canada)
    11 [GMT-06:00] Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
    12 [GMT-06:00] Saskatchewan
    13 [GMT-05:00] Bogota, Lima, Quito
    14 [GMT-05:00] Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    15 [GMT-05:00] Indiana (East)
    16 [GMT-04:00] Atlantic Time (Canada)
    17 [GMT-04:30] Caracas, La Paz
    18 [GMT-04:00] Santiago
    19 [GMT-03:30] Newfoundland
    20 [GMT-03:00] Brasilia
    21 [GMT-03:00] Buenos Aires, Georgetown
    22 [GMT-03:00] Greenland
    23 [GMT-02:00] Mid-Atlantic
    24 [GMT-01:00] Azores
    25 [GMT-01:00] Cape Verde Is.
    26 [UTC] Coordinated Universal Time
    27 [GMT] Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
    28 [GMT+01:00] Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
    29 [GMT+01:00] Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
    30 [GMT+01:00] Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
    31 [GMT+01:00] Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
    32 [GMT+01:00] West Central Africa
    33 [GMT+02:00] Athens, Istanbul
    34 [GMT+02:00] Bucharest
    35 [GMT+02:00] Cairo
    36 [GMT+02:00] Harare, Pretoria
    37 [GMT+02:00] Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
    38 [GMT+02:00] Jerusalem
    39 [GMT+03:00] Baghdad
    40 [GMT+03:00] Kuwait, Riyadh
    42 [GMT+03:00] Nairobi
    43 [GMT+03:30] Tehran
    41 [GMT+03:00] Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
    45 [GMT+04:00] Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan
    46 [GMT+04:30] Kabul
    47 [GMT+05:00] Ekaterinburg
    48 [GMT+05:00] Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
    49 [GMT+05:30] Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
    50 [GMT+05:45] Kathmandu
    51 [GMT+06:00] Almaty, Novosibirsk
    52 [GMT+06:00] Astana, Dhaka
    53 [GMT+06:00] Sri Jayawardenepura
    55 [GMT+07:00] Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
    56 [GMT+07:00] Krasnoyarsk
    57 [GMT+08:00] Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
    58 [GMT+08:00] Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar
    59 [GMT+08:00] Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
    60 [GMT+08:00] Perth
    61 [GMT+08:00] Taipei
    62 [GMT+09:00] Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
    63 [GMT+09:00] Seoul
    64 [GMT+09:00] Yakutsk
    65 [GMT+09:30] Adelaide
    66 [GMT+09:30] Darwin
    67 [GMT+10:00] Brisbane
    68 [GMT+10:00] Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
    69 [GMT+10:00] Guam, Port Moresby
    70 [GMT+10:00] Hobart
    71 [GMT+10:00] Vladivostok
    72 [GMT+11:00] Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia
    73 [GMT+12:00] Auckland, Wellington
    74 [GMT+12:00] Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
    75 [GMT+13:00] Nuku'alofa

    Marketing API Functions

    Cancel Marketing Blast

    A successful call to the JSON Cancel Marketing Blast function will return the following:

        "response": "success"

    This function will cancel current marketing blast.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/cancelMarketingBlast.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/cancelMarketingBlast.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    blastid Required Integer No Default The blast ID of the marketing blast that you want to delete.

    Clone Marketing Mail

    A successful call to the JSON Clone Marketing Mail function will return the following:

        "emailid": "293"

    This function will copy an existing marketing mail.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/cloneMarketingMail.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/cloneMarketingMail.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    emailid Required Integer No Default The email ID of the mail that will be used for the source of the copy.
    name Required String No Default A new name for the copied email.

    Create Mailing List

    A successful call to the JSON Create Mailing List function will return the following:

        "listid": "293"

    This function will create a new mailing list in eMarketing based on the fields passed.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/createMailinglist.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/createMailinglist.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    name Required String No Default A new name for the mailing list to be created.
    [field name] Optional String No Default A name value pair for any field available in a mailing list. You may supply as many individual name value pairs as you'd like. See Get Mailing List API function for a list of available fields.

    Create Subscriber

    A successful call to the JSON Create Subscriber function will return the following:

        "subscriberid": "99999"

    This function will create a new subscriber in the specified mailing list in eMarketing based on the fields passed.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/createSubscriber.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/createSubscriber.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    email Required String No Default Email address of the new subscriber to be created.
    listid Required Integer No Default List ID of the mailing list that this new subscriber will be added.
    [field name] Recommended String No Default A name value pair for any field available for a subscriber. Use the Get Subscriber API function to get a list of available fields. Use field formatting as explained in Creating and Updating Subscriber Values.
    language Optional String eng Specify the language in which to update the drop down and multiple check box fields. Use the three letter abbreviation returned by listLanguages.

    Get Mailing list

    A successful call to the JSON Get Mailing List function will return the following:

        "item": {
          "listid": "253",
          "name": "Test mailing list (no event)",
          "status": "Active",
          "folderid": "0",
          "testlist": "1",
          "created": "2013-08-07 16:08:19",
          "createdby": "spalmer",
          "lastmodified": "2015-02-20 11:58:42",
          "modifiedby": "spalmer",
          "eventid": "7695",
          "field1": "Custom Field One",
          "field2": "Custom Field Two"

    This function will return the full information for a given mailing list in the Marketing module.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/getMailinglist.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/getMailinglist.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    listid Required Integer No Default The list ID to retrieve data from.
    fields Optional String See Description Comma separated list of fields to return. Default: listid, name, status, folderid, testlist, created, createdby, lastmodified, modifiedby, eventid, field1-10

    Get Marketing Mail

    A successful call to the JSON Get Marketing Mail function will return the following:

        "item": {
          "accountid": "1",
          "folderid": "0",
          "eventid": "0",
          "usetemplate": "0",
          "template_id": "0",
          "fromname": "No Reply",
          "fromemail": "",
          "format": "0",
          "created": "2013-08-07 15:55:30",
          "createdby": "palmer",
          "lastmodified": "2013-08-07 15:55:30",
          "modifiedby": "palmer",
          "usesenderinfo": "0",
          "disabletracking": "0",
          "emailid": "205",
          "name": "Test email name",
          "subject": "Test email name",
          "htmlcontent": "HTML text",
          "textcontent": "Normal text"

    This function will return a specific marketing mail in the Marketing module.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/getMarketingMail.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/getMarketingMail.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    emailid Required Integer No Default Return the email identified by email ID.
    fields Optional String See Description Comma separated list of fields to return, or use * for all. Default: * (accountid, folderid, eventid, usetemplate, template_id, fromname, fromemail, replyto, format, unsubscribemessage, created, createdby, lastmodified, modifiedby, usesenderinfo, disabletracking, emailid, name, notes, subject, htmlcontent, textcontent, attachments)

    Note: all date/time fields are returned in UTC

    Get Subscriber

    A successful call to the JSON Get Subscriber function will return the following:

          "listid": "253",
          "accountid": "1",
          "typeid": "0",
          "categoryid": "0",
          "created": "2014-12-10 08:21:52",
          "createdby": "2071",
          "lastmodified": "2014-12-10 10:16:09",
          "modifiedby": "0",
          "status": "Subscribed",
          "status_changed_date": "2014-12-10",
          "unsubscribeblast": "0",
          "subscriberid": "402611",
          "email": "",
          "other_id": "host",
          "prefix": "Mr.",
          "fname": "Fred",
          "mname": "F",
          "lname": "Flintsone",
          "suffix": "II",
          "title": "Crane Operator",
          "company": "Bedrock Sand and Gravel",
          "address1": "23 Bedrock Rd",
          "city": "Bedrock",
          "state": "BC",
          "zip": "12345",
          "notes": "Notes",
          "senderemail": "",
          "sendername": "Jane Doe",
          "replytoname": "Jane Doe",
          "replytoemail": ""

    This function will return a specific subscriber in the Marketing module.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/getSubscriber.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/getSubscriber.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    subscriberid Required Integer No Default Return the subscriber identified by subscriber ID.
    fields Optional String * Comma separated list of fields to return, or use * for all (account1-20, accountid, address1-3, categoryid, ccemail, city, company, country, created, createdby, customfields, email, ext, fax, field1-10, fname, lastmodified, listid, lname, mname, modifiedby, mphone, nonusstate, notes, other_id, prefix, salesforce_id, senderemail, sendername, replytoname, replytoemail, skype_twitter_im, state, status, status_changed_date, subscriberid, suffix, title, typeid, unsubscribeblast, wphone, zip)
    language Optinal String eng Specify the language to return for drop down and multiple check box fields. Use the three letter abbreviation returned by listLanguages. If the language is not defined, the English version will be returned.

    List Bounceback Recipient

    A successful call to the JSON List Bounceback Recipient function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "email": "",
            "code": "550",
            "blastid": "862583",
            "listid": "207680"
            "email": "",
            "code": "553",
            "blastid": "862583",
            "listid": "207680"
            "email": "",
            "code": "550",
            "blastid": "862583",
            "listid": "207680"

    This function will return a list of recipients from an email blast in the Marketing module. This email is assigned to an eReg event and has been recorded as a bounce back.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listBouncebackRecipients.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listBouncebackRecipients.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.

    List Mailing List

    A successful call to the JSON List Mailing List function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "listid": "21",
            "name": "Event 7673",
            "status": "Active",
            "folderid": "0",
            "eventid": "7673"
            "listid": "253",
            "name": "Test mailing list (no event)",
            "status": "Active",
            "folderid": "0",
            "eventid": "7695"
            "listid": "254",
            "name": "New mailing list (Event 5056)",
            "status": "Active",
            "folderid": "0",
            "eventid": "5056"
            "listid": "291",
            "name": "New Mailing List",
            "status": "Active",
            "folderid": "0",
            "eventid": "0"

    This function will return the information for all mailing lists in the Marketing module.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMailinglists.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMailinglists.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    folderid Optional Integer No Default Folder ID will limit result to mailing lists in a given folder.
    eventid Optional Integer No Default Event ID will limit result to mailing lists assigned to a given event.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    fields Optional String See Description Comma separated list of fields to return. Refer to getMailinglist for all available fields or use * for all. Default: listid, name, status, folderid, eventid
    search Optional String No Default Search on any of the above fields (which do not have to be returned by the field parameter). Comma separated list consisting of fieldname, then operator (=, !=, >, <, >=, <=), then data. Example: lastmodified>=2013-08-07 16:08:19,createdby!=fred,eventid=99999

    List Marketing Mails

    A successful call to the JSON List Marketing Mails function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "emailid": "11",
            "name": "test email",
            "folderid": "0"
            "emailid": "12",
            "name": "iveta test email",
            "folderid": "0"
            "emailid": "202",
            "name": "Testing Name Formats",
            "folderid": "0"
            "emailid": "209",
            "name": "Test register_link_with_email",
            "folderid": "0"

    This function will return the information for all marketing mails in the Marketing module.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMarketingMails.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMarketingMails.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    folderid Optional Integer No Default Folder ID will limit result to marketing mails in a given folder.
    eventid Optional Integer No Default Event ID will limit result to marketing mails assigned to a given event.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    fields Optional String See Description Comma separated list of fields to return. Refer to getMarketingMail for all available fields or use * to return all fields and their values. Specifying '?' will return all supported field names (without field values). Default: emailid, name, folderid.
    search Optional String No Default Search on any of the above fields except field1-10 (which do not have to be returned by the field parameter). Comma separated list consisting of fieldname, then operator (=, !=, >, <, >=, <=), then data. Example: lastmodified>=2013-08-07 16:08:19,createdby!=fred,eventid=99999.

    List Marketing Blast IDs

    A successful call to the JSON List Marketing Blast IDs function will return the following:

        "emailid": "224586",
        "blastid": "637312,763872,772833,772836,834294,856722,856727,857024,857030,860186"

    This function will return a comma-delimited list of all blast IDs for the given email ID.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMarketingBlastIds.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMarketingBlastIds.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    emailid Required Integer No Default Should be equal to the email id you would like to receive a list of blast ids for.

    List Marketing Custom Fields

    A successful call to the JSON List Marketing Custom Fields function will return the following:

        "field_name": "Custom Field Name",
        "merge_code": "acc_mktg_field_1",
        "input_type": 2, 
        "is_allow_html": 1 

    This function will return a list of all custom Marketing fields from your account.

    Response Data Explanation

    Key Description
    field_name The name given to the custom field.
    merge_code The merge code assigned to the custom field. Example: acc_mktg_field_1
    input_type The input type of the field. Possible types are 1 (single line of text) or 2 (multiple lines of text).
    is_allow_html Indicates whether the field accepts HTML code. Possible values are 1 - accepts HTML or 0 - Does not accept HTML.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMarketingCustomFields.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listMarketingCustomFields.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.

    List Subscribers

    A successful call to the JSON List Subscribers function will return the following:

              "subscriberid": "74617251",
              "email": "",
              "fname": "John",
              "lname": "Smith"
              "subscriberid": "76959221",
              "email": "",
              "fname": "James",
              "lname": "Rogers"

    This function will return subscribers for a specific mailing list in the Marketing module. Note: all date/time fields are returned in UTC.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listSubscribers.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listSubscribers.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    listid Required Integer No Default Return the subscribers in the list specified by list ID.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    fields Optional String See Description Comma separated list of fields to return or use * to return all fields and their values. Specifying '?' will return all supported field names (without field values). Default: subscriberid, email, fname, lname.
    search Optinal String No Default Search on any of the above fields (which do not have to be returned by the field parameter). Comma separated list consisting of fieldname, then operator (=, !=, >, <, >=, <=), then data. Example: lastmodified>=2013-08-07 16:08:19,createdby!=fred,eventid=99999 Note: if search is specified, listid is not required.

    List Unsubscribed Recipients

    A successful call to the JSON List Unsubscribed Recipients function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "email": "",
            "date": "2012-12-31"
            "email": "",
            "date": "2011-05-13"
            "email": "",
            "date": "2012-05-03"

    This function will return a basic list of the recipients in the Marketing module who have unsubscribed from your account.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listUnsubscribedRecipients.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listUnsubscribedRecipients.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    startdate Optional String No Default Filter results from a certain date, dates need to be in ISO format. If specified, enddate must also be specified. Example: 2012-12-31
    enddate Optional String No Default Filter results to a certain date, dates need to be in ISO format. If specified, startdate must also be specified. Example: 2012-12-31
    fields Optional String See Description Comma separated list of fields to return or use * for all. '?' will return all supported fields.

    List Blast Results

    A successful call to the JSON List Blast Results function will return the following:

            "blastid": "123546",
            "eventid": "677798",
            "email": "",
            "blastStatus": "Not responded",
            "blastTimeZone": "[GMT-05:00] Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
            "visitDate": "",
            "visitTime": "",
            "regStatus": "Declined"
            "blastid": "123546",
            "eventid": "677798",
            "email": "",
            "blastStatus": "Opened",
            "blastTimeZone": "[GMT-05:00] Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
            "visitDate": "",
            "visitTime": "",
            "regStatus": "Declined"

    This function can be queried by blastid or eventid. If queried by blastid, the function will return stats on each recipient from the specified blast. If queried by eventid, the function will return stats for each recipient in each blast linked to the specified event.

    Possible Blast Statuses:


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listBlastResults.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/listBlastResults.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    blastid Required* Integer No Default Should be equal to the blast ID. *Only required if the eventid is not passed.
    eventid Required* Integer No Default Should be equal to the event ID linked to the email sent in blasts. *Only required if the blastid is not passed
    status_updated_on Optional Date No Default Use this parameter to filter the query results by a date which subscriber blast statuses have changed. The date is stored in UTC time zone and should be passed in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

    Schedule Marketing Blast

    A successful call to the JSON Schedule Marketing Blast function will return the following:

      "blastid": "293"

    This function will create and schedule a marketing blast.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/scheduleMarketingBlast.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/scheduleMarketingBlast.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    emailid Required Integer No Default The emailid of the mail that will be sent out in the blast.
    listid Required Integer No Default The listid of the mailing list to schedule.
    datetime Required String No Default The time in GMT to send the blast out. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    exclude_registered Optional Integer 0 0=send email regardless of whether subscriber is registered on linked event, 1=send email only if subscriber is not registered on linked event.
    exclude_datetime Optional String No Default Subscribers added before this date will be excluded from the blast. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    list_unsubscribe Optional Integer 1 0=subscribers can unsubscribe from just the mailing list, 1=subscribers can unsubscribe from the account level

    Decline Marketing Invitation

    A successful call to the JSON Decline Marketing Invite function will return the following:

      "subscriberid": "10024998",
      "eventid": "123456"

    This function will decline a marketing email invitation to register for an event.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/declineMarketingInvite.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/declineMarketingInvite.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    subscriberid Required Integer No Default The subscriber ID that you would like to decline the invitation for.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID for which you are declining the invitation.

    Update Mailing List

    A successful call to the JSON Update Mailing List function will return the following:

      "listid": "293"

    This function will update an existing mailing list in the Marketing module based on the fields passed.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/updateMailinglist.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/updateMailinglist.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    listid Required Integer No Default The listid of the mailing list you want to update.
    deleted Optional Integer No Default Delete the mailinglist identified by listid if set to 1. Mailinglist can not be undeleted.
    [field name] Optional String No Default A name value pair for any field available in a mailing list. You may supply as many individual name value pairs as you'd like. See Get Mailing List API function for a list of available fields.

    Update Marketing Mail

    A successful call to the JSON Update Marketing Mail function will return the following:

      "emailid": "293"

    This function will update a specific marketing mail in the Marketing module with the fields provided.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/updateMarketingMail.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/updateMarketingMail.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    emailid Required Integer No Default Update the email identified by email ID.
    (fieldname) Recommended String No Default Name value pair of fields and values you want to update in on the email. See Get Marketing Mail for a list of supported fields. Example: folderid=123&eventid=9999

    Update Subscriber

    A successful call to the JSON Update Subscriber function will return the following:

      "subscriberid": "293"

    This function will return update specific mailing list subscriber in the Marketing module.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/updateSubscriber.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/emarketing/updateSubscriber.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    subscriberdid Required Integer No Default Update the subscriber identified by subscriberid.
    deleted Optional Integer No Default Delete the subscriber identified by subscriberid if set to 1. Subscriber can not be undeleted.
    [field name] Recommended String No Default A name value pair for any field available for a subscriber. Use the Get Subscriber API function to get a list of available fields. Use field formatting as explained in Creating and Updating Subscriber Values.
    language Optional String eng Specify the language in which to update the drop down and multiple check box fields. Use the three letter abbreviation returned by List Languages.

    Creating and Updating Subscriber Values

    Defining subscriber values, which could also be considered "standard questions" is slightly different when using the Marketing API. The basic rules are as follows:

    To select a single checkbox, simply supply "1" as the value to the respective subscriber field. For instance, to check field "account1", provide the following name value pair - keep in mind that single checkboxes require an array syntax with a position of 0:

    Parameter Value
    account1[0] 1

    To select specific options in a multiple checkbox, supply each target option's choice key separately using an array syntax. For instance, to check values "Value A" and "Value B" for field "account2" supply the following:

    Parameter Value
    account2[0] 1
    account2[1] 2

    If you'd like to deselect one or more specific checkbox options in a multiple checkbox set, specify each individual value to unselect appending the "deleted" key follows:

    Parameter Value
    account2[0][delete] 1
    account2[1][delete] 2

    For radio buttons and dropdown boxes, simply supply the value of the option you wish to select. For instance, if you want to select the option representing "Value A" for the "account3" field, then supply the following:

    Parameter Value
    account3 Value A

    And to deselect the same radio button / dropdown box:

    Parameter Value
    account3[delete] Value A

    For all other values that accept strings directly, such as:

    Simply supply the value to the field. For instance, to set account4 to "Test Value", supply the following:

    Parameter Value
    account4 Test Value

    And to delete the above value, simply supply a blank value as such:

    Parameter Value

    Networking API Functions

    Add Attendee to Meeting

    A successful call to the JSON Add Attendee to Meeting function will return the following:

        "status": "ok"

    This function will allow you add a participant to a meeting.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/addAttendeeToMeeting.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/addAttendeeToMeeting.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    meetingid Required Integer No Default The meeting ID to retrieve data from.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID of the participant being added.

    Change Status

    A successful call to the JSON Change Status function will return the following:

        "status": "ok"

    This function will allow you to change the meeting status of a participant.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/changeStatus.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/changeStatus.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    meetingid Required Integer No Default The meeting ID to retrieve data from.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID to retrieve data from.
    status Required String No Default The new status for attendee. Valid statuses: Confirmed, Tentative, Declined, Awaiting response

    Create Meeting

    A successful call to the JSON Create Meeting function will return the following:

      "meetingid": "2934"

    This function will allow you to create a new meeting.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/createMeeting.json

    XML: PUT https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/createMeeting.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    attendeeid Required Integer No Default The attendee ID of the meeting organizer.
    attendees Required Integer No Default An array of attendee IDs of participants in meeting.
    typeid Required Integer No Default The meeting type ID.
    subject Required String No Default The meeting subject.
    location Required String No Default The location for the meeting.
    date Required String No Default The date for the meeting. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    starttime Required String No Default The start time for the meeting. Format: 23:59:59
    endtime Required String No Default The end time for the meeting. Format: 23:59:59
    message Required String No Default The message for the meeting.

    Get Meeting

    A successful call to the JSON Get Meeting function will return the following:

        "meetingid": "1",
        "organizerid": "1",
        "subject": "Test subject",
        "location": "Test location",
        "date": "2012-12-31",
        "starttime": "09:00:00",
        "endtime": "21:30:00",
        "attendees": {
          "item": [
              "attendeeid": "1",
              "name": "Attendee 1",
              "status": "Confirmed"
              "attendeeid": "2",
              "name": "Attendee 2",
              "status": "Confirmed"

    This function will return data for a specific meeting in the Networking module.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/getMeeting.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/getMeeting.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    meetingid Required Integer No Default The meeting ID to retrieve data from.
    status Required String No Default Filter the results by attendee status, only return attendees with a matching status. (e.g. awaiting, response, confirmed, declined, tentative)

    List Meetings

    A successful call to the JSON List Meetings function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "meetingid": "1",
            "organizerid": "1",
            "subject": "Test subject 1"
            "meetingid": "2",
            "organizerid": "2",
            "subject": "Test subject 2"
            "meetingid": "3",
            "organizerid": "1",
            "subject": "Test subject 3"

    This function will return a basic list of the available meetings for a given event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/listMeetings.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/listMeetings.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    organizerid Optional Integer No Default Filter results by the organizerid, will only return meetings with a matching organizerid.
    attendeeid Optional Integer No Default Filter results by the attendeeid, will only return meetings associated with that attendee.
    status Optional String No Default Filter the results by meeting status. (e.g. active, awaiting response, canceled, cancelled, confirmed, pending)
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    modifiedfrom Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they have been modified since this timestamp.
    modifiedto Optional String No Default Defines a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and the event timezone. Records will only be returned if they were modified before this timestamp.

    List Meeting Types

    This function will list of meeting types.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/listMeetingTypes.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/listMeetingTypes.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.

    Modify Meeting

    A successful call to the JSON Modify Meeting function will return the following:


    This function allows you to make updates to a meeting's details.

    When sending this API request using a 3rd party API tool (ex. Postman), please put the parameters as key/value pairs in the body of the request using content-type x-www-form-urlencoded.


    JSON: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/modifyMeeting.json

    XML: POST https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esocial/modifyMeeting.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID to retrieve data from.
    meetingid Required Integer No Default The meeting ID to retrieve data from.
    typeid Optional Integer No Default The meeting type ID to change to.
    subject Optional String No Default The new status meeting.
    location Optional String No Default The new location for the meeting.
    date Optional String No Default The new date for the meeting. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    starttime Optional String No Default The new start time for the meeting. Format: 23:59:59
    endtime Optional String No Default The new end time for the meeting. Format: 23:59:59
    message Optional String No Default Message for the meeting.

    Surveys API Functions

    List Survey Questions

    A successful call to the JSON List Survey Questions function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "questionid": "1",
            "parentid": "0",
            "text": "Thank you for attending The Event. Please will you take a few minutes to provide us with some feedback on your experience",
            "type": "header"
            "questionid": "2",
            "parentid": "1",
            "text": "Venue",
            "type": "radio_header"
            "questionid": "3",
            "parentid": "1",
            "text": "Meals",
            "type": "radio_header"
            "questionid": "4",
            "parentid": "1",
            "text": "Sessions",
            "type": "radio_header"

    This function will return a list of the available questions for a given survey.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/listSurveyQuestions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/listSurveyQuestions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    surveyid Required Integer No Default The survey of which you want the questions for.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Survey Responses

    A successful call to the JSON List Survey Respones function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "responseid": "518582",
            "responsecreated": "2013-03-13 10:48:25",
            "responsefinished": "2013-03-13 10:48:57",
            "testresponse": "0"
            "responseid": "518636",
            "responsecreated": "2013-03-13 11:44:21",
            "responsefinished": "2013-03-13 11:47:08",
            "testresponse": "0"

    This function will return a list of the responses to a survey.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/listSurveyResponses.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/listSurveyResponses.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    surveyid Required Integer No Default The survey of which you want the responses for.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    List Surveys

    A successful call to the JSON List Surveys function will return the following:

            "surveyid": "1234",
            "surveyname": "Survey 1",
            "surveystatus": "Testing",
            "created": "2017-07-21 06:12:25"
            "surveyid": "1235",
            "surveyname": "Survey 2",
            "surveystatus": "Testing",
            "created": "2017-07-21 06:17:13"

    This function will return a list of the available surveys for your account.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/listSurveys.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/listSurveys.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Optional Integer No Default The event ID that the reports are registered under.
    folderid Optional Integer No Default Supplying a Folder ID will return all of the Surveys within that folder.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    Get Survey Response

    A successful call to the JSON Get Survey Response function will return the following:

        "item": [
            "questionid": "1",
            "attendeeid": "184512",
            "eventid": "14125",
            "response": "5",
            "question": "Test Question 1?",
            "answer": "Test Answer 4"
            "questionid": "2",
            "attendeeid": "null",
            "eventid": "null",
            "response": "2",
            "question": "Test Question 2?",
            "answer": "Test Answer 1"

    This function will return a list of all of the responses for a given response ID.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/getSurveyResponse.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/esurvey/getSurveyResponse.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    responseid Required Integer No Default The response ID for the responses.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.

    Abstracts API Functions

    Get Applicant

    A successful call to the JSON Get Applicant function will return the following:

        "applicantID": "999991",
        "submissionID": "292697",
        "applicantType": "Author",
        "responses": [
                "questionID": "429184",
                "response": ""
                "questionID": "429186",
                "response": "John"
                "questionID": "429187",
                "response": "Smith"

    This function returns all Submission Applicant (speaker) data, including URL link to attachments.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/getApplicant.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/getApplicant.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under.
    applicantid Required Integer No Default The applicant's ID.

    Get Submission

    A successful call to the JSON Get Submission function will return the following:

        "acceptanceStatusLabel": "Accepted",
        "submissionGroupName": "New Submissions",
        "submissionSubGroupName": "",
        "submissionGroupID": "48642",
        "submissionSubGroupID": 0,
        "currentStageName": "Initial Stage",
        "currentStageID": "14601",
        "submissionName": "Managing your events",
        "submissionID": "292696",
        "submissionIDX": "1",
        "applicantsCount": 2,
        "stageID": "14601",
        "submissionGroupQuestionID": "429204",
        "submissionSubgroupQuestionID": "429205",
        "creation": "2018-04-10 16:36:04",
        "updated_at": "2018-05-22 15:49:07",
        "acceptanceStatus": 1,
        "reviewCount": 0,
        "ratingScore": 0,
        "deviation": 0,
        "isFavourite": 0,
        "submissionProgress": 1,
        "submitter": "John Smith",
        "sessionInfo": [
                "sessionID": "21825049",
                "sessionDate": "2018-04-26",
                "sessionStartTime": "01:00:00",
                "sessionEndTime": "01:30:00"
        "applicants": [
                "applicantID": "471614",
                "userID": "41643",
                "email": "",
                "applicantTypeID": "22751",
                "applicantType": "Author",
                "lastName": "Robert",
                "firstName": "Jones"
                "applicantID": "460220",
                "userID": "278512",
                "email": "",
                "applicantTypeID": "22751",
                "applicantType": "Author",
                "lastName": "Donald",
                "firstName": "Smith"
        "submissionStages": {
            "14601": {
                "stageID": "14601",
                "name": "Initial Stage",
                "order": "1",
                "status": "complete",
                "responses": [
                        "question": "Name",
                        "response": "Managing your events"
                        "question": "Additional applicants",
                        "response": ""
        "reviewStages": []

    This function will return all Submission data, but only Speaker data (questions & answers), including URL link to attachments.

    Please Note: The non-error response structure for this function varies depending on the Abstracts version used in the event.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/getSubmission.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/getSubmission.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under.
    submissionid Required Integer No Default The submission ID assigned to submission.

    List Applicants

    A successful call to the JSON List Applicants function will return the following:

        "999991": {
            "applicantID": "999991",
            "submissionID": "292697",
            "submissionIDX": "2",
            "applicantType": "Author",
            "applicantFirstName": "John",
            "applicantLastName": "Smith"
        "9999992": {
            "applicantID": "9999992",
            "submissionID": "292697",
            "submissionIDX": "2",
            "applicantType": "Author",
            "applicantFirstName": "Jane",
            "applicantLastName": "Doe"

    This function returns a list of Submission Applicants (called Speakers in Abstracts v1), but not users/profiles. Fields returned include: submission ID, applicant ID, applicant First Name, applicant last Name.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/listApplicants.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/listApplicants.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under.
    submissionid Required Integer No Default The submission ID assigned to submission, must be a numeric value.

    List Submissions

    A successful call to the JSON List Sumbissions function will return the following:

            "submissionID": "84738473",
            "submissionIDX": "1",
            "submissionName": "Submission 1"
            "submissionID": "84738474",
            "submissionIDX": "2",
            "submissionName": "Submission 2"

    This function will return a list of submissions.

    The listSubmission function will return submission ID and submission name.


    JSON: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/listSubmissions.json

    XML: GET https://[API Endpoint Host]/api/v2/eselect/listSubmissions.xml

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Default Description
    accesstoken Required String No Default The access token assigned to you from the authorize function.
    eventid Required Integer No Default The event ID that the attendee registered under.
    offset Optional Integer 0 Defines where in the records to start returning data from.
    limit Optional Integer 2000 Defines the amount of records to return, maximum of 2,000 per request.
    topic Optional String No Default Returns results that match criteria (Abstracts V1 only)
    subtopic Optional String No Default Returns results that match criteria (Abstracts V1 only)
    status Optional String No Default Returns results that match criteria. Valid values for Abstracts V1 are pending, Awaiting review, Reviewed, accepted, Accepted, declined, Rejected. Valid values for Abstracts V2 are Pending, Accepted, Declined.
    submissionGroup Optional String No Default Returns results that match criteria (Abstracts V2 only)
    stageID Optional Integer No Default Returns results that match criteria (Abstracts V2 only)

    Data Services


    Our Data Services API is a heavy duty, enterprise-focused solution dedicated to making up-to-date bulk information available to our clients in an efficient and highly performant manner. With Data Services you can:

    Getting Started

    Your current API key and account id are all you need to get started. Responses are returned in JSON format.


    The region specific endpoints for our data services API are as follows:

    Region API Endpoint Host
    Asia Pacific (APAC)
    North America (NA)
    Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)

    Rate Limits

    The concurrent API Request Limit is applied uniformly across all customers, but calculated on an individual requester basis, and is designed to prevent large burst or spikes in usage that could impact performance of the platform.

    The following calculation describes the limit for concurrent inbound requests (calls):

    Maximum requests per minute = 400 (approx. 6 calls/sec)



    The first call to the DataServices API is used to authenticate and get an access token for future requests.

    Type URL Request Parameters
    GET /authenticate accountid

    List Requests

    List requests are the backbone of data services. They allow you to pull a bulk list of information in one API call. For instance, you can pull a filtered list of registrants, returning only the registrant fields you want (including question responses) in one single API call.

    List Parameters

    Parameter Description Default Value Example
    fields Comma-separated string of columns to return.
    Standard field names are used, and custom questions are formatted so that:
    * Spaces are replaced with underscores.
    * Any non alpha numeric characters (besides underscores) are stripped.
    (none) attendeeid,fname,lname,custom_question_1
    deleted Get only active records (0), only deleted records (1) or all records (empty).
    This applies to only the base record.
    0 0
    event_deleted Get only active events (0), only deleted events (1) or all events (empty) 0 0
    lastmodified-gt Last modified date and time greater than or equal to (None) Specify a date in the format 2020-12-28 or further refine your results by including a date and timestamp 2020-12-28 09:10:00
    lastmodified-lt Last modified date and time less than or equal to (None) Specify a date in the format 2020-12-28 or further refine your results by including a date and timestamp 2020-12-28 09:10:00
    pageNumber Page number for record pagination (counting from 1) 1 1
    pageSize Number of rows to return for record pagination 1024 100
    language Aventri language code to select multi-lingual values eng fre
    excludeNoInput Use this parameter to exclude Single Session (no input) session types from the regsessionlist request. (a value of 1 will exclude no input sessions) (None) 1

    List Endpoints

    Type URL Request Parameters Description
    GET /eventlist/[accountid] accesstoken
    event_deleted (optional)
    fields (optional)
    lastmodified-gt (optional)
    lastmodified-lt (optional)
    attendees_lastmodified-gt (optional)
    attendees_lastmodified-lt (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    Event list for an account
    GET /attendeelist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    deleted (optional)
    fields (optional)
    lastmodified-gt (optional)
    lastmodified-lt (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    GET /attendeeseatinglist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    fields (optional)
    pageNumber (optional)
    pageSize (optional)
    GET /regsessionlist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    deleted (optional)
    fields (optional)
    lastmodified-gt (optional)
    lastmodified-lt (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    excludeNoInput (optional)
    Link between attendees and the sessions they registered for.
    GET /speakerlist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    deleted (optional)
    fields (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    Speaker list for an event
    GET /sessionlist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    deleted (optional)
    fields (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    Session list for an event
    GET /sessiontracklist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    fields (optional)
    pageNumber (optional)
    pageSize (optional)
    Session tracks for an event
    GET /meetinglist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    fields (optional)
    pageNumber (optional)
    pageSize (optional)
    Networking meeting list for an event.
    GET /preloadlist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    fields (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    Preload data from event-specific database only.
    GET /financialtransactionlist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    deleted (optional)
    fields (optional)
    lastmodified-gt (optional)
    lastmodified-lt (optional)
    pageNumber (required)
    pageSize (required)
    Financial transactions:
    GET /questionlist/[accountid]/[eventid] accesstoken
    language (optional)
    Returns list of questions for an event.

    Metadata Requests

    Type URL Request Parameters
    GET /eventmetadata/[accountid] accountid
    GET /attendeemetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /regsessionmetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /speakermetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /sessionmetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /sessiontrackmetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /meetingmetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /preloadmetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid
    GET /financialtransactionmetadata/[accountid]/[eventid] accountid

    Response Information

    After authorization, if an account id is referenced which accesstoken does not have rights to, the following response will be given:

          "status": "error",
          "msg": "Not authorized to access account XXXX"
    Code Scenario
    200 Passed back for successfully processed API calls, even if there is an application level error.
    404 Not Found
    429 "Too Many Requests"
    Received when the user has reached the API rate limit.
    500 Passed back when API request did not successfully process / complete.
    504 "API Gateway Timeout"
    If this response is received you will want to make sure to use the
    pageNumber & pageSize parameters for pagination to reduce the payload for each request.